Pediatric OT Evals

  1. Non-standardized
    • Informal evaluation, includes gathering historical information via:
    • Chart review, questionnaire, interview and historical information
  2. Standardized Test
    Dictates uniformity in the administration and scoring procedures, materials used and testing conditions
  3. Criterion Referenced
    • Assesments outline descriptive, functional domains of performance.
    • Importance placed on skills rather than age level. Intent is to
    • descirbe the childs currnet functioning
  4. Norm Referenced
    • Comparison of child's scores to a standardized, comparable population
    • such as age or grade level. Allows for identification of similarities
    • and differences of the child to the group
  5. Screening
    initial stepin in the evaluative process... utilized to rule in or out the need for evaluation
  6. Batelle Develpopmental Inventory BDI
    • Age: birth to 8yo
    • Team assessment of children with and without handicaps.
    • Investigates 5 domains: adaptive, motor, personalsocial, communication and cogmition
    • norm-referenced
  7. Bayley Scales of Infant Mental and Motor Development
    • Age: 2 months - 2.5 yrs
    • covers multiple domains of development
    • offers standard scores
    • norm referenced
  8. Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration(VMI)
    • Age 2-15
    • Thought to be more reliable than TVMS
    • looks at visual motor integration
  9. Bruininks-Osteretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP)
    • School aged children 4.5- 14.5 yrs
    • tests motor problems in children who do not appear to have a physical disability
    • Short form can be used as a screening
  10. First Step
    • Age: Preschoolers 2.9yrs to 6.2 yrs
    • ment to screen for developmental delays in each of the 5 domains mandated by the IDEA
    • determines whether child is functioning within normal limits or requires a full eval.
  11. Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP)
    • Age: 2.9 yrs to 5.8yrs
    • Standardized test from 1979 (not completely accurate today)
    • Identifies children who show moderate pre-academic problems
    • a screening tool
  12. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales
    • Age: birth - 6.11 yrs
    • identifies fine and gross motor delays
    • Norm referenced
  13. Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT)
    • Age: 4-8.11 yrs
    • Offers the most complete and flexible assessment of sensory integration available
    • norm referenced
  14. Test of Visual Motor Skills (TVMS)
    • Age: 2-12 yrs
    • a test designed for typically developing children
  15. Denver Developmental Screening Test II
    • Age 1month to 6 yrs
    • Standardized task performance and observation screening tool for early identification of children at risk for developmental delays
    • four areas: personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, gross motor
  16. Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)
    • Age: Birth to 3 or HELP Preschol Ages 3-6 yrs
    • Non standardized scale of developmental levels
    • Six areas of function: cognitive, language, gross motor, fine motor, social-emotional , self-help
  17. Pediatric Evaluation of disability Inventory (PEDI)
    • Age: 6months to 7yrs
    • standardized behavior checklist and tating scale that assesses capabilities and detects functional deficits
    • determines developmental level and monitors progress
  18. Sensory Profile (SP) and Infant/ toddler SP
    • Age: SP 3-10yrs; Infant/ toddler SP birth-36months
    • measures reactions to daily sensory experiences
  19. Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment (TPBA)
    • Age: infancy -6yrs
    • measures childs development, learning style, interaction patterns and behaviors to determine need for services.
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Pediatric OT Evals
Pediatric Occupational therapy evaluations