IVISD Principles E-L

  1. What are the principles beginning with letters E-L? (14)
    • Expectancy
    • Faith
    • Flexibility
    • Focus
    • Forgiveness
    • Freedom
    • Fulfillment
    • Healing
    • Honesty
    • Humility
    • Inner Authority
    • Integrity
    • Judgment/Non-Judgment
    • Law of Love
  2. What are the defining attributes of Expectancy? (3)
    • A state of being which directs energy toward a desired intention or outcome.
    • A mental and emotional demonstration of faith and trust.
    • It is the act of knowing and believing at the outset that divine good is working on your behalf.
  3. What are the essential characteristics of Expectancy? (6)
    • An inner and outer state or demonstration of faith and trust.
    • A state of mind and being that indicates receptivity.
    • An act of honoring self as worthy.
    • Faith in Divine will and order.
    • Mental focus.
    • Emotional clarity.
  4. What are the defining attributes of Faith? (5)
    • Faith is the ability and power of the mind, fueled by emotional energy, which shapes and directs experience.
    • "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen."
    • Faith is the cookie cutter that shapes the substance into that which is desired.
    • Faith is a mental and emtional state of being which, when aligned with choice, overrides the external programming and conditioning of the physical mind.
    • It is considered a deep inner knowing of what is possible which governs behavior and actions.
  5. What are the essential characteristics of Faith? (5)
    • Intuitive knowing without physical evidence.
    • Loyalty of mental and emotional energy to a specific person or thing.
    • Trust and confidence based on inner knowing.
    • Trust and confidence in and of God or a Divine Presence/Being.
    • The essential creative force which supports and is supported by choice.
  6. What are the defining attributes of Flexibility? (5)
    • Flexibility determines the client's willingness to consciously embrace and adapt to the experiences that unfold in a client's life experience.
    • Flexibility of consciousness enables the personality to shift effortlessly from task to task, from topic to topic in conversation, from one role to another in life experiences.
    • Emotional flexibility enables the client to experience the full range of emotions and express them appropriately in the moment, leaving them behind when it is time to move on.
    • When a client experiences extreme difficulties accepting change, making transitions, shifting thoughts, or moving on from an emotional state then the person is said to be inflexible.
    • A flexible mind and heart support the development of resilience, balance and self-actualization.
  7. What are the essential characteristics of Flexibility? (3)
    • Signal of a healthy, well-anchored personality.
    • A demonstration of trust and surrender.
    • The ability to stay present and experience the events of the moment.
  8. What are the defining attributes of Focus? (4)
    • Focus refers to sustained mental, emotional and physical energy toward the realization of a desired outcome.
    • The steady concentrated holding of vision or an intention is focus.
    • In order for focus to be effective, it must cover and address the Three P's - Personal (personal meaning and value), Perceptions (of the results and rewards of the focus), and Performance (client to engage in productive behaviors).
    • Focus creates energy that attracts and materializes whatever it is directed upon.
  9. What are the essential characteristics of Focus? (4)
    • A tool of reality creation.
    • A process of self-support and commitment.
    • A tool for developing consciousness and awareness.
    • A process for healing negative self-talk and unproductive attitudes.
  10. What are the defining attributes of Forgiveness? (5)
    • Forgiveness work is a critical process for soul growth and on-going spiritual development.
    • Forgiveness is an ultimate act of love.
    • It is the remembering an upset and choosing to "give away" the hurt we have attached to the experience.
    • Through forgiveness we create new realities that allow us to experience greater love and freedom.
    • The Law of Forgiveness states that certain ideas must be dissolved and cleared from the mind in order that other new ideas of a different character may replace them.
  11. What are the essential characteristics of Forgiveness? (4)
    • Forgiveness starts in our own hearts. Only when we have forgiven ourselves can we give it to others.
    • Forgiveness is not conditional, even though our practice of it often is.
    • Forgiveness is not an on-going process. It continues in response to every judgment we make about ourselves.
    • Every gesture of forgiveness is sufficient. Whatever we are able to do now is enough. This understanding enables us to practice forgiveness with forgiveness.
  12. What are the defining attributes of Freedom? (5)
    • An internal state of being that supports authentic self-expressiosn and mastery over perceived limitations that results in excellence.
    • When an individual becomes able to regard the self as both one with God and as an individual personality/expression of God, the experience is one of freedom.
    • When the conscious mind releases all attachment to form and outcome, the experience is called freedom.
    • Freedom is the absence of fear.
  13. What are the essential characteristics of Freedom? (5)
    • An internal state of being.
    • Authentic self-expression.
    • Mastery over perceived limitations.
    • Excellence of and in expression or action.
    • Mental and emotional calm.
  14. What are the defining attributes of Fulfillment? (7)
    • The client's ability to express the qualities that are most valued and to have the life experience that most closely reveals their deepest heart's desires.
    • The first step toward the experience of fulfillment is a clear intention. Identify the intentions and vision to clarify what the client values and believes will lead to fulfillment.
    • Step two is to take stock of the client's current attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors as they relate to the client's vision.
    • Step three is to support the client in accepting the belief that they can live their life more fully and with fewer struggles.
    • Step four is to create conscious action steps that lead to the realization of the vision.
    • Step five is to implement an action plan that supports the client in becoming focused and accountable.
    • Step six is to support the client in doing what they enjoy and enjoying what they do, moment by moment.
  15. What are the essential characteristics of Fulfillment? (4)
    • An internal experience that accompanies the external realization of what really matters.
    • An individualized experience of emotional satisfaction.
    • Expression of qualities and values that bring meaning to the individual.
    • Simplicity in the experience and expression of one's self and life experience.
  16. What are the defining attributes of Healing? (5)
    • Healing is a distinction related to one's ability to fully realize and utilize all aspects of the four levels of being in movement toward self-realization and self-fulfillment.
    • Healing is a process of eliminating imbalances at the physical, mental and emotional levels of experience.
    • Healing, as a spiritual coaching distinction is the conscious application of love to the experiences in the consciousness which are wounded, imbalanced or impeded by the darkness of past experience.
    • Healing is to make whole. To heal or to make whole means to restore holiness, "oneness with the All of life."
    • In order to heal, there must be awareness, acknowledgment and acceptance of thought and behavior patterns and the underlying belief system which holds the wounds or templates in place.
  17. What are the essential characteristics of Healing? (5)
    • An active and continuous process of self-care and self-nurturing.
    • A function of choice and forgiveness.
    • Focuses on application and realization (of love) rather than elimination of external influence or experience.
    • Is self-directed and self-realized.
    • An opportunity to re-create one's internal landscape.
  18. What are the defining attributes of Honesty? (5)
    • An inner experience related to character and integrity that incorporates and embraces authenticity, responsibility and accountability.
    • As related to the coach/client relationship, honesty refers to a personal, inner experience related to character and integrity rather than to a universal principle.
    • Honesty is a state of being which governs choice and behavior.
    • "Honor-esty" - the ability to be authentically who you are while supporting and embracing the right of others to do the same.
    • Honesty requires an authentic and sincere effort to share who you are, what you think, what you know and how you feel based on your experience and knowledge at the time.
  19. What are the essential characteristics of Honesty? (6)
    • Speak from your perspective of an experience, without imposing your view on others.
    • Remain open to the perspective and experience of others before drawing a conclusion.
    • Realize that all facts are subject to change.
    • Realize that your feelings are your feelings which may or may not be consistent with the feelings of others.
    • Avoid the temptation of editing, judging or questioning thoughts and feelings.
  20. What are the defining attributes of Humility? (3)
    • Humility is a state of being and behavior which demonstrates unconditional positive regard for self and others.
    • The basic essence of humility is to be of service and in service. The service is to a higher objective or elevation/well-being of others.
    • While humility is a state of servitude, it is not a posture of subservience.
  21. What are the essential characteristics of Humility? (4)
    • A state of being which conveys modesty and lack of arrogance.
    • A demonstration of respect and reverence for something or someone.
    • Service with no expectation of reward or recognition.
    • Openness and availability to being taught or influenced.
  22. What are the defining attributes of Inner Authority? (6)
    • The experience of 'my presence is enough.'
    • Inner authority refers to the ability and presence to handle one's inner and outer affairs clearly, accurately and decisively without influence from external sources.
    • It is the level of inner authority that determines the health and productivity of all relationships.
    • The client's inner authority is the essence that supports the client in making conscious choice, remaining committed to choice and the ability to follow through on choices with action.
    • Inner authority results in having a very strong no and a very powerful yes.
    • Related to inner authority is often an unfamiliar sense of detachment.
  23. What are the essential characteristics of Inner Authority? (8)
    • Ability to make choices and decisions that are beneficial to the totality of the self/Self.
    • Ability to hear and follow inner guidance.
    • Reflects and impacts the state or condition of the internal landscape.
    • Ability to discern the importance or usefulness of external data and stimuli.
    • Lessens or eliminates stress and toxic emotional dumping.
    • Supports one in hearing and deciphering the needs and opinions of others.
    • A function of self-value and self-worth.
    • The foundation of self-confidence.
  24. What are the defining attributes of Integrity? (5)
    • Integrity is a reflection of the level of accountability, commitment and responsibility of both the coach and client which leads to the accomplishment of the implied and stated intentions of the relationship.
    • Integrity means that you live in the truth of your word and your intention.
    • It means doing what you know is honorable whether or not anyone else is watching.
    • Integrity is how you do what you do under all circumstances.
    • Integrity requires that you have clear boundaries, clear intention and clear communication.
  25. What are the essential characteristics of Integrity? (6)
    • Alignment of all levels of being in movement toward a desired experience.
    • Inner and outer balance and harmony.
    • Congruence between thought, word and action.
    • A demonstration of self-honor and self-respect.
    • An internal checklist that governs external action in honor of one's own Self.
    • Conscious consistency to one's word.
  26. What are the defining attributes of Judgment/Non-Judgment? (6)
    • Judgment is a process and a function of discernment by which one is able to make honoring, loving and self-supportive choices.
    • In its highest and purest form, judgment is the conscious ability to use both internal and external vision to receive, examine, assess and determine the degree and manner to which someone or something is or is not aligned with truth, the presence of God/Spirit.
    • In the physical world reality, a judgment is a function of the ego that determines the right/wrong, good/bad, fairness/unfairness of experiences in response to perception and belief.
    • The most effective process in support of releasing judgment is conscious self-forgiveness activities.
    • As it relates to judgments, there is nothing in the universe, outside of self, to forgive.
    • The energy we give over to judgments decrees the energy of mind and heart available for love and unconditional acceptance.
  27. What are the essential characteristics of Judgment/Non-judgment? (5)
    • Judgment is a process and function of discernment. It is awareness of the presence and operation of spiritual law and principle which, at its lowest vibration, can be used as a tool of the negative ego.
    • Non-judgment is awareness and acceptance of the presence and operation of Divine order which gives meaning to all experiences.
    • Judgment is a tool of the negative ego, an aspect of individual personality, that is dependent on physical world reality to give meaning to experiences in response to perception and belief.
    • Non-Judgment is a process that moves individual consciousness beyond beliefs of restriction and limitation as perceived by the ego.
    • A tool and process that supports a coach in facilitating appropriate action for the client in pursuit of a stated intention.
  28. What are the defining attributes of The Law of Love? (6)
    • The law is that which gives structure, definition and permanence.
    • God is that which gives structure, definition and permanence to life.
    • Love is the source and substance; the beginning and end of our life force.
    • All disease, lack and states of unhappiness are the results of violations of the Law of Love, either as a function of the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Correspondence.
    • Love gives birth to obedience, wisdom, discipline, faith, compassion and forgiveness, supply and peace.
  29. What are the essential characteristics of The Law of Love? (4)
    • Love is the essence, energy and presence of God in and throughout every living thing.
    • Love is the natural state of our consciousness which at all times keeps us connected to the essence that is God, the Creator, and therefore, is the Law upon which all other laws of the universe are based.
    • The Law of Love is our ability to know truth, live in truth, know peace, live in peace, know power and activate the right use of power under all circumstances.
    • When we practice the Law of Love, we create loving circumstances, and when we violate this law we create pain, suffering, lack and conflict.
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IVISD Principles E-L
IVISD Principles