Plain Bob Doubles

  1. You pass the treble in 3 -4 on the way up to the back.  What is your next piece of work?
    make long-fifths (starting with a backstroke)
  2. The treble takes you off the lead.  What is you next piece of work?
    Make seconds and lead again.
  3. You pass the treble in 2-3 on the way up to the back.  What is your next piece of work?
    Dodge 3-4 up
  4. You pass the treble in 4-5 on your way up to the back.  What is your next piece of work?
    Dodge 3-4 down.
  5. What is 2nds place bell?
    • Lead, hunt out to the back then dodge 3-4 down and become 4ths place bell.
    • Image Upload 2
  6. What is 4ths place bell?
    • Hunt down to the lead and then out to the back, start making four blows in fifths, becoming 5ths place bell at the third blow.
    • Image Upload 4
  7. What is 5ths place bell?
    • Lie one more blow in fifths place to complete long-fifths.  Then hunt down to the front and lead followed by dodging 3-4 up to become 3rds place bell.
    • Image Upload 6
  8. What is 3rds place bell?
    • Hunt out to the back, lie, then down to the front, lead and then make seconds to become 2nds place bell.
    • Image Upload 8
  9. You are leading when a bob is called.  What do you do?
    Run out (i.e. hunt straight out to the back).  Make seconds next time.
  10. You are in fourth place when a bob is called.  What do you do?
    Run in (i.e. hunt straight down to the front).  Dodge 3-4 down next time.
  11. You are in thirds place over the treble when a bob is called. What do you do?
    Make the bob (i.e. make fourths and go back to the lead).  Make long-fifths next time.
  12. When are the calls made in Bob Doubles?
    When the treble is in seconds place going down to the lead.  This is a backstroke.
Card Set
Plain Bob Doubles
This set of cards will help you learn the basics for Plain Bob Doubles.