Which of the following is a cognitive symptom of stress?
D. memory problems
which of these diseases is more likely to occur in societies that encourage individualism as opposed to group cooperation and conformity?
D. cancer
Whose name is associated with the General Adaptation Syndrome?
D. Niel Miller
the fight-or-flight response is associated with which stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
A. alarm
while going sky diving for the first time, someone first experiences anxiety, but immediately after wants to do it again. whay type of stress is the latter?
A. eustress
Holmes and Rahe developed the Social readjustment rating scale to measure changes due to?
C. major life events
experiencing intense fear whle reliving a shocking even in one's dreams, falshbacks or intrusive recollections describes?
B. posttraumatic stress disorder
lazarus and folkman believe that the first response when faced with a potential stressor, is to determine whether we are in imminent danger. this is termed?
B. primary appraisal
which conditions are believed to result from overactivity of the immune system?
D. common cold & cancer
which term describes a set of beliefs about members of a particular group?
C. stereotype
the tendency to assume a person has mostly positive or negative traits as a result of seeing one major positive or negative trait is called?
B. halo effect
which one of sternbergs types of love has all three elements of intimacy, passion & commitment?
B. consummate love
the kitty genovese murder is an example of which phenomenon?
C. bystander effect
what occurs when in a group, when people try less, if contributions will not be evaluated individually?
A. social loafing
when someone gives into another persons wish or request they are demonstrating?
B. compliance
which term describes what happens when compliance with an initial small request is followed by a larger request?
A. foot-in-the-door effect
you get a free cereal in the mail. the company hopes you will try it and feel obligated to buy it. what ter is used to describe this reaction?
B. reciprocity
your text cities the iraq and bay of pigs invasions and sinking of the titanic as examples of which social psychological phenomena
D. groupthink
which researcher conducted the experiment on obedience in which participants believed they were shocking a fellow participant with up to 400 volts for giving wrong answers?
A. Stanley Milgram
what is the root of the word "personality"?
D. from the latin for "mask"
rather than focusing on traits, walter mischel encouraged psycholgists to investigate:
C. the influence of situations on behavior
the predisposition to respond in a particular way is described as a:
D. trait
william sheldon believed personality could be related to:
A. humors
B. body types
C. skull elevations
D. neurotransmitters
B: body types
sigmund freud proposed that his patients disorders resulted most often from psychoological conflicts related to:
B. sex
what is freud's term from the primitive, biological side of personality?
B. id
the reality principle is associated with which side of personality?
A. ego
which defense mechanism is demonstrated by a person with aggressive tendencies, who channels his energies into becoming a surgeon?
A. sublimation
bandura's idea that people are affected by their environment but they can also influence their environment, is known as:
C. reciprocol determinism
carl rogers emphasized accepting people for what they are, not for what others wold like the person to be. this acceptance is called:
D. unconditional positive regard
in most states, a successful insanity defense plea means a person is not held legally responsible if he/she is:
A. unable to distinguish between right and wrong at the time of the crime
which approach to abnormality suggests that psychological disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated and often cured?
A. medical
your aunt would rather stay in her home, avoid public places and social situations. she would be diagnosed as:
B. agoraphobia
which disorder is often accompanied by what has been called "free-floating" anxiety?
D. generalized anxiety disorder
most cases of dissociative identity disorder are associated with:
A. abuse during childhood
what form of depression occurs during the fall and winter?
C. seasonal affective disorder
a person who suffers from bipolar disorder alternates between:
A. depression & mania
what term describes disorders in which severely disturbed individuals lose contact with reality and may require hospitalization?
D. psychosis
the belief that you are a special agent for the intergalactic supernova is an example of a:
C. delusion
which disorder is associated with problem levels of the neurotransmitter dipamine?
B. schizophrenia
define stress
physical, emotional, cognitve and behavorial responses to events that appear as threatening or challenging
what are stressors?
events causing a stress reaction
types of stress are:
distress and eustress
unpleasant or undesireable stressors
effects of positive events that people need to promote a healthy well-being
how people think about stressors, determines how stressful the situation will be is considered as:
cognitive appraisal approach
cognitive appraisal approach has two sub-categories:
primary appraisal & secondary appraisal
primary appraisal
2st step in assessing a stress and classifying as a threat or challenging
secondary appraisal
2nd step involves estimating resourcees available for coping with stressor
cause of stress, unpredictable large-scale event that creates tremendous need to adapt/adjust as well as overwhelming feeling of threat
posttraumatic stress disorder
exposure to major stressor and symptoms of anxiety, nightmares etc lasting more than one month
everyday sources of stress include:
pressure, uncontrolability, frustration, conflict
affects of frustration can include:
aggression, displaced aggression, escape or withdrawl
the body uses which part of its nervous system to respond to stress?
autonomic nervous system
the sympathetic nervous system is used in:
fight or flight response
parasympathetic nervious system is used to:
restore body to normal function
there are how many stages to the bodys reaction to stress in the General adaptation symdrome?
three stages: alarm, resistance, exhaustion
general adaptation syndrome was introduced by:
Hans Selye
defense mechanisms:
protecting ego from ID & superego
psychological defense mechanisms:
unconscious distortions of persons perception of reality to reduce stress
refuses to acknowledge or recognize a threatening situation
pushes threatening event into unconscious mind
invents acceptable excuse for something unacceptable
unacceptable or threatening impulses or feelings are seen as originating with someone else
reaction formation
person forms opposite feelings or behavioral reaction to the way he/she really feels to keep true feelings hidden
going back to earlier stage of development
tryint to become like someone else
make up for inferiorities by becoming superior in another area
channeling socially unacceptable impulses and behaviors into socially acceptable behavior
social psychology
scientific study of how a persons thoughs, feelings, and behaviours are influenced by the real imagined or implied presence of others
social influence
process through which the real or impled presence of others can directly incluence the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of an individual
changing ones behavior to match with other people
kind of thinking that occurs when people place more importance on maintaining croup cohesiveness than on assessing the facts of the prolbem wit which the group is concerned
consumer psychology
studies habbits of consumers in the market place, including compliance
changing ones behavior as a result of someone requesting or asking for the change
foot-in-the-door technique is a way to gain compliance by:
asking for a small commitment and after gaining compliance, asking for a bigger commitment
door-in-the-face technique is a way of gaining compliance by:
asking for a large commitment and being refused then asking for a smaller commitment
a reaction of the door-in-the-face technique is:
norm of reciprocity: if someone does something for that person, should do soemthing in return; obligated
lowball technique is a way of gaining compliance by:
getting commitment from a person & then raisint cost of commitment
thats-not-all technique is a way of gaining compliance by:
making an offer and then adding something extra to make the offer look better
changing ones behavior at the commands of an authority figure
Milgram Study
a "teacher" administered, what they thought were real, electric shocks to a "learner" who was actually aware of the real experiment
stanley milgrams experement focused on what?
social facilitation
presence of other people to have a positive impact on the performance of an easy task
social loafing
tendency to put less effort into simple talk when working in a group
cognitive dissonance
discomfort or distress that occurs when a persons behavior does not correspond to that persons impression formation the forming of the first knowledge that a person has concerning another person