Quiz 5

  1. Protein Catabolism
    • Microbes produce proteases and peptidases -break proteins into amino acids(which can enter the cell).
    • Amino acids broken into individual molicules, than enter Krebs cycle.
    • Deamination- process where the amino group is removed from carbon backbone and coverted to amonium ion which is excreted as by product by the cell.
  2. Lipid Catabolism
    • lipase in the extras. fluid break down tri, di and monoglycerides.
    • Glycerol enters glycolysis.
    • Fatty acids enters Krebs cycle
  3. Phytosynthesis
    Convertion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy.Performed by cyanobacteria, algae, green plants. The chemical energy is then used to convert CO2from the atmosphere into more reduced organic compound. This is known as carbon fixation.
  4. Oxygenic photosynthesis equation
    • 6 CO2 + 12 H2O +Light > C6H12O6 + 6 O2 +6 H2O
    • water is the electron donor
  5. Light-dependent reactions:
    • Called photphosphorylation - light energy used to convert ADP and Pi to ATP by 2 pathways:
    • 1. Cyclyc photophosphorylation - less common pathway, no oxygen produced.
    • 2. Non-Cyclic photophosphorylation - more common,
  6. Chlorophyll
    is a pigment that can absorb light (located in chloropasts)
  7. Cyclic Photophosphorylation
    • 1. Light excites 2 electrons from chlorophyll
    • 2.Electrons eneter ETC
    • 3. Electrons moved doen ETC, protons pumped across membrane
    • 4. ADP and Pi covnerted to ATP by chemiosmosis
    • 5. Electrons return to chlorophyll
    • Therefore no Oxygen is produced.
  8. Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
    • Same proces as in cyclic but the 2 electrons don't come back to chlorophyll, instead they incorporate into NADPH.
    • Chlorophyll replaces his 2 electrons from H2O (in oxygenic photosynthesis, cell exhale O2) or (H2, or H2S in anoxygenic photosytheis)
  9. Light-independent reactions:
    • NADPH and ATP are used to reduce CO2 to form sugar molecule.
    • To from 1 glucose, the cycle must turn 6 times (glycose-6carbon molec)
  10. All microbes require for metabolism:
    • Energy source
    • Carbon source
  11. Phototrophs
  12. Chemotrophs
    Energy -organic or inorganic chemicals
  13. Autotrophs
    Carbon source- CO2
  14. Heterotrophs
    Carbon source - organic carbon
  15. Photoautotrophs
    • Energy - light
    • Carbon source - CO2
    • ex. cynobacteria
  16. Photoheterotrophs
    • Energy - light
    • Carbon source - organic compound
  17. Chemoautotorphs
    • Energy - chemical (inorganic compound H2S)
    • Carbon source - CO2
  18. Chemoheterotrophs
    • Energy - chemical
    • Carbon source- organic compound
    • Ex. humans
    • energy and carbon source are usually the same organic compound (glucose)
  19. Amphibolic pathways
    metabolic pathways that function in both anabolism and catabolism. The two are joined trhought a group of common intermediates.
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Quiz 5
Part of Ch. 5