
  1. Are infectious diseases the same as communicable diseases?
  2. Any disease transmitted from one person or animal to another; also called contagious disease. Sometimes quarantine is required to prevent the spread of disease.
    Communicable diseases
  3. What are the three factors that affect the vector?
    • Host
    • Agent
    • Environment
  4. What are the stages of Infection?
    • Latent
    • Communicable
    • Incubation
  5. The rate or range of occurrence or influence of something, esp. of something unwanted
  6. belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place, Certain number expected to happen every year.
  7. a sudden and active manifestation, or increase in numbers
  8. prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world; epidemic over a large area
  9. affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent.extremely prevalent; widespread
  10. When looking at an Outbreak, you take into consideration...
    • New diagnostic testing - more results
    • The definition of the disease - AIDS vs. HIV
  11. List the chain of Transmission
    • Infectious agent
    • susceptible host
    • portal of entry
    • reservoir
    • portal of exit
    • transmission
  12. What are the necessary factors of Infectious agents?
    • The ability to infect - Infectivity
    • Pathogenicity - has to develop into a disease
    • Virulence - Create symptoms
    • Toxicity - Toxic effects on the body
    • Invasiveness - easily enter and exit
    • Resistance - not easily treated
    • Antigenicity - ability to activate the immune system
  13. What are the four main categories of infectious Agents?
    • Bacteria
    • Viruses
    • Fungi
    • Parasites
  14. Chicken Pox
    • High infectivity
    • high Pathogenicity
    • low virulence
  15. Tuberculosis
    • low infectivity
    • high pathogenicity
    • high virulence
    • MEANING:
  16. Antibiotic resistant diseases
    • MRSA
    • VRE
    • MDR-TB
  17. Viruses
    • Influenza
    • Hep ABC
    • Herps
    • Rubella
    • Measles
    • Rabies
    • Rocky Mt Spotted Fever
    • Typhus
    • SARS
  18. List the Mycoses - Fungus
    • Athletes foot
    • Ringworm
    • Mycoplasmal - yeast infection
  19. Protozoa & Helminthes
    • Malaria
    • Amoebas
    • Cryptosporidiosis
    • Giardia
    • WORMS
  20. Respiratory passages, mucous membranes, skin, percutaneous space, mouth, placenta
  21. Respiratory secretions, vaginal secretions, semen, saliva, lesion exudates, blood, feces.
  22. Parent to offspring, usually through reproduction (Transportation)
  23. Person to Person Transportation
    Person to person
  24. Touch, bite, kiss, sexual contact, coughing, sneezing, laughing transmission Horizontal
  25. Fomities (inanimate object) , Vectors for om horizontal transmission
  26. Animals or arthropods
  27. vector directly injecting and infecting
  28. Fly carrying fecal component to food
  29. Example of Combination of modes Direct and indirect
    • Fecal Oral
    • Consumption of contaminated food
    • Oral sexual activity
  30. What are the two factors that help susecptibility
    • resistance or lack thereof to an infections agent
    • biological and personal factors
  31. any disease of animals communicable to humans
    • Zoonosis
    • H1N1
    • Mad Cow
  32. What do you do to break the chain of transmission for the agent?
    • Disinfection
    • sterilization
    • radiation of fomites
  33. What do you do to break the chain of transmission for the Host?
  34. What do you do to break the chain of transmission for the portals of entry and exit?
    • isolation
    • universal precautions
  35. Species-determined innate resistance to an infectious agent
    Natural immunity
  36. attained due to previous natural exposure
    Acquired immunity
  37. Host production of antibodies, by either from pathogen or vaccination
    Active Immunity
  38. Transfer of antibody from an immunized individual to non-immunized individual.
    Passive immunity
  39. Those not immune to the infectious agent are protected if a proportion of the population is vaccinated or immune. Magic number is 80%.
    Herd Immunity
  40. What are the three reasons to make a disease reportable?
    • Prevent spread of disease
    • Detect outbreaks
    • monitor trends of a disease
  41. Who is responsible for monitoring diseases
  42. What are three categories of infectious diseases?
    • Control - herd immunity
    • elimination - near zero - polio
    • eradication - none - small pox
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Communicable Diseases