Science Grade 9 Review Electricity And Space

  1. What is electricity/
    The flow of tiny electrons.
  2. What is static electricity?
    Statioary electrons the release with a burst of energy
  3. Which side of the electrostatic series is positive?
    The top, becasue they have a  weaker hold on there eletrons, making them give them away. This means more protons are present then neutrons, giving in a positive charge.
  4. Explain charging by contact:
    Charging by contact means you touch one charges object witha  neutral object. The neutral object then take the chaged objects charge.
  5. Explain charging by induction:
    Charging by Induction means you hold one object close to another object, with one neutral anf one charged. The object charge will force the elctrons from the other side to repel, and when grounded, leave. Therefor making the neutral object charged without contact.
  6. What is the Law of electric charges?
    Opposite charges attarct, like charges repeal, and neutral objects are attracted to charged objects.
  7. Whatis the rule of Protons?
  8. What are three parts needed for a basic circuit. (Load included)
    Source, (Battery) Load, (Light Bulb) Conecting Wire
  9. What is a series circuit?
    A circuit where there is only one path for the electrons to flow.
  10. What is a parrallel circuit?
    A circuit with more then one path for the electrons to flow
  11. What does voltage in a  series circuit do?
    The total voltage equals the sum of the voltage across each load
  12. What does current in a series cirrcuit do?
    The current is the same anywhere in a circuit
  13. What does voltage in a parrellel circuit do?
    The total voltage is the same anywhere in the circuit
  14. What does current in a parrellel circuit do?
    The total currrent is the sum of each brach
  15. What is the formula relelated to voltage? (Ohms Law)
    Voltage = Current x Resistance
  16. What is the formulafor energy?
    Energy = Power x Times
  17. Name the two units used most commanly for measuring distances in space:
    • AU (Astromical Unit)
    • LY  (Light Year)
  18. What is an Astromical Unit?
    The distance between earth and the sun. About 150 million  km
  19. Define the term Light year
    The distance that a ray of light travels over a year. About 63 000 AU
  20. What colour are the brightest stars ion the Universe?
  21. How does  a star form?
    A cloud of dust and gas (Nebula) Start attracting to each other based on gravity, and as they collide, they begin compacting until the gas has been heated to extreme tempturess do to the mass of that sun.
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Science Grade 9 Review Electricity And Space
Grade 9 Review for Science Electricity and Space Units.