sat core vocab 76- 100

  1. Itinerant
    Traveling form place to place
  2. Nomadic
    Traveling form place to place
  3. Peripatetic
    Traveling from place to place
  4. Sedentary
    not Traveling form place to place
  5. Stationary
    not Traveling form place to place
  6. Poignant
    Emotionally touching or moving
  7. Impetus
    motivation; push or stimulus
  8. Incentive
    motivation; push or stimulus
  9. Bucolic
  10. Rustic
  11. Pastoral
  12. Metropolitan
    not rural
  13. Urban
    not rural
  14. Equanimity
    Calmness, composure
  15. Poise
    Calmness, composure
  16. Unflappable
    Calmness, composure
  17. Panache
    Flashy, Showy, or dashing
  18. Verve
    Flashy, Showy, or dashing
  19. Flamboyance
    Flashy, Showy, or dashing
  20. Provocative
    serving to excite, anger, or create controversy
  21. Inflammatory
    serving to excite, anger, or create controversy
  22. Placid
    Calm or quiet
  23. Tranquil
    Calm or quiet
  24. Fortuitous
    Lucky, fortunate
  25. Dispel
    to scatter, drive away
  26. disperse
    to scatter, drive away
  27. dissipate
    to scatter, drive away
  28. Amalgam
    mixture or combo.
  29. Synthesis
    mixture or combo.
  30. Viable
    Possible, Worthwhile
  31. Feasible
    Possible, Worthwhile
  32. Soporific
    Sleepy or tired
  33. Lethargic
    Sleepy or tired
  34. Indolent
    Sleepy or tired
  35. Listless
    Sleepy or tired
  36. Torpid
    Sleepy or tired
  37. Intemperate
    Lacking restraint
  38. Inordinate
    Sleepy or tired
  39. Immoderate
    Sleepy or tired
  40. Superficial
    shallow, lacking in depth
  41. Parochial
  42. Provincial
    Narrow minded
  43. Insular
    Narrow minded
  44. Dismissive
    Showing indifference, disregard or rejection
  45. Disparage
    to belittle, ridicule, or speak disrespectfully
  46. Deride
    to belittle, ridicule, or speak disrespectfully
  47. Denigrate
    to belittle, ridicule, or speak disrespectfully
  48. Exonerate
    Clear someone of blame or guilt
  49. Vindicate
    Clear someone of blame or guilt
  50. Absolve
    Clear someone of blame or guilt
  51. Insipid
    Bland, dull, lifeless
  52. Lackluster
    Bland, dull, lifeless
  53. Arcane
    Known to only a few people
  54. Obscure
    Known to only a few people
  55. Disparity
    an inequality or gap
  56. Curtail
    to cut short or reduce
  57. Curb
    to cut short or reduce
  58. Innocuous 
    Harmless, inoffensive
  59. Benign
    Harmless, inoffensive
  60. Deleterious
    harmful, offensive
  61. Noxious
    harmful, offensive
  62. Pernicious
    harmful, offensive
  63. Malignant
    harmful, offensive
  64. Diatribe
    a verbal attack or denunciation
  65. Tirade
    a verbal attack or denunciation
  66. Harangue
    a verbal attack or denunciation
  67. Invective
    a verbal attack or denunciation
  68. Polemic
    a verbal attack or denunciation
Card Set
sat core vocab 76- 100
Vocab word groups 76-100