Nutrition 506 Final Exam, part 3

  1. Which type of cancer accounts for the most cancer deaths?

    C) lung
  2. Which of the following can help control Type II diabetes?

    A) weight loss
  3. Of those listed below, which is the most important lifestyle modification for decreasing risk of cancer?

    A) don't smoke
  4. The book presented which acronym to help recognize cancer warning signs?

  5. what percentage of diabetics have tyle II variety?

    D) 95
  6. Cancer is the _____ leading cause of death in the US

    B) 2nd
  7. All of the following are common health problems associated with diabetes EXCEPT

    A) high rate of liver failure
  8. Cancer is considered to be a disease of the

    D) DNA
  9. T/F: Most cancers are caused by inherited faulty genes
  10. T/F: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women
  11. Smoking one pack a day ____ the risk of developing CVD

    B) doubles
  12. Which is NOT a factor that determines the dosage of a cigarrette?

    • C) flavor of cigarrette
    • *note: other 2 factors= # of cigarrettes and strength
  13. What happens during the gaseous phase of cigarrette smoking?

    D) all of the above
  14. What happens during the particulate phase of cigarette smoking?
    a) nicotine absorbed (1)
    b) tar absorbed (2)
    c) shortness of breath (3)
    d) 1 & 2
    e) all of these
  15. T/F: Cigarettes are considered a "gateway" to other harmful behaviors
  16. ______ _______ _______ is unfiltered smoke from burning the tip of the cigarette that contains nicotine and 20-100x the carcinogens as mainsteam smoke.
    Side stream smoke
  17. Part clove, part tobacco; have higher levels of tar, nicotine and CO2 than normal cigarettes

    A) clove cigarettes
  18. Hand-rolled little flavored cigarettes that have 3x the amount of nicotine and 5x the amount of tar

    C) bidies
  19. Have a lot more carcinogen than cigarettes but don't have the respiratory effects.

    A) smokeless tobacco
  20. Pouches of smokeless tobacco

    B) snus
  21. T/F: Smoking is on the decline
  22. What is the most common reason for smoking?

    C) reducing stress
  23. Define: Drug
    any biologically active substance that is foreign to the body and is deliberately introduced to affect its functioning
  24. T/F: Alcohol is classified as a stimulant
    F: it's a depressant
  25. A serving of beer is ___% alcohol
    A serving of wine is ___%
    A serving of whiskey is ___%
    • 5%
    • 12%
    • 40%
  26. Which is NOT a factor in the effects of alchohol?

    A) consumption of water
  27. The liver can process ___oz/hr of ethanol (1-2 hours/drink)

    D) 0.25oz
  28. ________ _______ is the permanent scarring of the liver and is not reversible
    Alchoholic cirrhosis
  29. _______ _______ is the destruction of tissue and the developement of scar tissue; is reversible
    alcoholic hepatitis
  30. ________ _______ is the most well-known neuropsychiatric disease associated with alchohol
    Wernicke Korsakoff
  31. Which is NOT a health consequence of drinking in excess?
    a) reproductive problems
    b) malnutrition
    c) impaired immune system
    d) decreased IQ
  32. ___% of college students drink
    a) 75
    b) 80
    c) 85
    d) 90
  33. Guest speaker Melissa Nicholson was from the ________ ___ ________ __________ & __________
    Office of Health Education and Promotion
  34. Melissa is working on the ______ _______ ________ as a way to help decrease drinking at UNH
    social norms campaign
  35. _________ is an inmate who was convicted of manslaughter for DWI; took the life of a boy named Michael
  36. Intoxication is referred to as drunkenness; a blood alcohol level of ___

    B) 0.8
  37. A drink of beer is ____oz
    A drink of wine is ____oz
    A drink of whiskey is ___oz
    • 12oz
    • 5oz
    • 1.5oz
  38. Which is NOT one of the main causes of cancer death?

    A) skin
  39. Define: ABCD of skin self-assessment
    • A: asymmetry (1/2 doesn't match the other 1/2)
    • B: border irregularity (ragged or notched edges)
    • C: color (uneven color)
    • D: diameter (diameter larger than 1/4", or the diameter of a pencil eraser)
  40. _________ is classified as a type 1 carcinogen (worst type) and increases the risk of melanoma by 75%
  41. Define: CAUTION
    • Early warning signs of cancer
    • C- changes in bowel/bladder habits
    • A- a sore that does not heal
    • U- unusual bleeding/discharge
    • T- thickening or a lump
    • I- indigestion or difficulty swallowing
    • O- obvious changes in a wart/mole
    • N- nagging cough/hoarseness
  42. Speaker Drew Conroy was the head of _____, which stands for ______ ________ ________ _______ ________.
    CREAM; Cooperative Real Education in Agricultural Management
  43. T/F: Diabetes is a chronic disease
  44. Type 1 diabetes is an _______ disease
  45. Which is NOT a sign of diabetes?

    A) polyfamia
  46. An adult should get a diabetes screening every ___ years if 45+ if there are no other risk factors

    C) 3
  47. A normal fasting blood glucose level is <______, prediabetic is ____-____, diabetic is >________
    • 100
    • 100-126
    • 126
  48. Define: DPP
    Diabetes Prevention Program; focuses on lifestyle modification. 30 min PA/day, consume less calories. Motto is "small steps, big rewards"
  49. A _____ _______ ________ _______ is used to diagnose diabetes. It consists of a blood sugar measurement following the ingestion of a standard amount of sugar after a period of fasting.
    Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
  50. _____ is known as a "cure-all"; a remedy for all ills
  51. ______ _______ is an exercise in which there is no voluntary muscle contraction and an outside force moves the body part with no effort by the person.
    passive exercise
  52. ____ is the most frequently misused and abused term in fitness vocabulary; is actually the tension developed in a muscle as a result of passive muscle stretch; has little or nothing to do with the strength of the muscle.
  53. Define: CAM
    • Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    • diverse group of therapies that falls outside the more conventional therapies
  54. What is the most common form of CAM?

    C) prayer
  55. Which is NOT a domain of CAM?

    C) heat therapy practices
  56. Is a method based on the movement of the body; includes chirapractic medicine and massage therapy.

    A) manipulative and body-based medicine
  57. Therapies that focus on energy fields from within the body or other sources; ie. accupuncture

    C) energy medicine
  58. Techinque designed to enhance the mind's ability to affect the body's function; ie. meditation, yoga, tai chi, hypnosis, etc.

    B) mind-body medicines
  59. Treatments using substances found in nature; ie. herbs, special diets, vitamins/minerals, etc.

    C) biologically based practices
  60. ____ _______ ________ & _________ _______ does not regulate supplements as food or drugs, and do not have to prove the products as safe to be able to put on the market
    Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA)
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Nutrition 506 Final Exam, part 3
nutrition 506 final