Learning Objectives 767-400 Aircraft general

  1. Recall the function of the cockpit light override switch.
    Overrides normal controls and illuminates various cockpit lights at maximum brightness.
  2. Recall the location and function of the 3 positions of the flight deck emergency light switch.
    OFF- prevents emergency lights system operation if airplane electrical power fails or is turned off.

    ARMED- all emergency lights illuminate if the airplane electical power fails or is turned off.

    ON- all emergency lights illuminate.
  3. Can the emergency lights be activated from the cabin, reguardless of the flight deck switch position?
  4. Locate and describe the flight deck indications for access, emergency, cargo and E & E door status.
    Overhead planel, exterior door annunciation lights, and EICAS.

    Emergency Doors illuminated if not closed and latched and locked

    • Cargo Doors illuminated if the forward, aft, or bulk cargo door is not closed and latched and locked
    • Access doors if the forward equipment bay or electrical equipment compartment door is not closed and latched and locked
  5. Minimum pavement width for a 180 degree turn.
    165 feet
  6. In a turn which has the largest turn radius?
  7. How many normal/emergency exits (doors and windows)?
    • 2 cockpit sliding windows (for emergency use)
    • 6 entry doors
    • 2 emergency doors aft of the wings
    • _____
    • 10 total
  8. What are the flight deck indications for entry/service doors status?
    Overhead panel ENTRY DOORS light and EICAS advisory message.

    ENTRY DOORS when illuminated- an antry door is not closed and latched and locked
  9. T/F The turn radius of the tail is larger than the nose?
  10. Which has the smallest turn radius?
  11. Where is the bulk cargo compartment door?
    left aft fuselage
  12. What does it mean if you have Emergency Lights Unarmed and the EICAS message Emer Lights .
    The emergency lighting system has been manually actuated or the emergcy lights switch is OFF
  13. What does any illuminated VALVE light mean?
    valve disagrees with the switch
Card Set
Learning Objectives 767-400 Aircraft general
Study cards for aircraft systems B767-400