Chem301 Ch11 USD

  1. Acyl peroxides (503)
    • are often used as radical initiators, because the O-O bond is especially weak:
    • Image Upload 2
  2. Addition to pi bonds (496)
    • A radical adds to a pi bond, thereby destroying the pi bond and generating a new radical.
    • PIX
  3. allylic bromination (512)
  4. Antioxidents (519)
  5. Autooxidation (517)
  6. CFCs (515)
    Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are thought to be the main ozone depletion. also called freons.
  7. Chain branching (526)
  8. Chain reaction (501)
  9. Coupling (497)
  10. Elimination (497)
  11. Fishhook arrows (491)
  12. Freon (515)
  13. Halogen abstraction (497)
  14. HCFCs (515)
  15. HFCs (517)
  16. Homolytic cleavage (496)
  17. Hydrocracking (528)
  18. Hydrogen abstraction (496)
  19. Hydroperoxide (517)
  20. Initiation (499)
  21. N-bromosuccinimide (512)
  22. Peroxides (502)
  23. Propagation (499)
  24. PVC (527)
  25. Radical Inhibitor (503)
  26. Radical Initiator (502)
  27. Termination (499)
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Chem301 Ch11 USD
terms and definitions text book "Organic Chemistry" University of San Diego/ Klein: copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. arrow pushing,