Serv safe

  1. A disease transmitted to people by food
    foodborne illness
  2. two or more people have the same symptoms after eating the same food
  3. Challenges to food safety
    • Time
    • Language and culture
    • literacy and education
    • pathogens
    • unapproved suppliers
    • high risk customers
    • staff turnover
  4. Victims of foodborne illness may experience the following
    • lost work
    • medical cost and long term disability
    • death
  5. Kinds of contaminants
    • Biological
    • chemical
    • physical
  6. Pathogens are the greatest threat to food safety. They include certain viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria.
  7. Contaminants that can include cleaners, sanitizers and polishes
  8. Contaminants foreign objects that can get into food.
  9. Five most common food handling mistakes;
    • Purchasing food from unsafe sources
    • failing to cook food correctly
    • holding food at incorrect temperatures
    • using contaminated equipment
    • practicing poor personal hygiene
  10. food is not held or stored at the correct temperature
    not cooked or reheated enough to kill pathogen
    not cooled correctly
    time temperature abuse
  11. Pathogens can be transferred from one surface or food to another.
    Cross contamination
  12. ways of cross contamination can occur;
    • Contaminated ingredients are added to food that receives no further cooking
    • Ready to eat food touches contaminated surfaces
    • contaminated food touches or drips fluids onto cooked or ready to eat food, as shown in the photo at left
    • a good handler touches contaminated good and then touches ready to eat food
    • contaminated cleaning cloths touch food contact surfaces
  13. Fail to wash their hands correctly after using the restroom is, cough or sneeze on food touches or scratch wounds and then touch food, work while sick
    Poor personal hygiene
  14. Equipment is not cleaned and sanitized correctly
    Poor cleaning and sanitizing
  15. TCS
    Temperature control for safety
  16. TCS food are
    Milk and dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, shell eggs, shellfish, baked potatoes, heat treated plant food, tofu or other soy protein, sliced melons, cut tomatoes, cut leafy greens, untreated garlic and oil mixtures
  17. Populations at high risk for foodborne illness
    • Elderly people
    • preschool aged children
    • people with compomised immune system
  18. USDA
    United states department of agriculture
  19. Regulates and inspects meat, poultry, and eggs. Regulates food that crosses state boundaries or involves more than one state.
  20. Agencies that assist the FDA, USDA, and state and local health departments. Also assist in investigating outbreaks.
    CDC and PHS
  21. Food and drug administration
  22. Inspects all food except meat, poultry, and eggs. Regulates food transported across state lines.
  23. Regulatory authorities write or adopt code that regulates retail and food service operations.
    State and local regulatory authorities.
  24. Responsibilities related to food safety
    • Inspecting
    • enforcing
    • investigation complaints and illness
    • issuing lisence
    • approving condstuction
    • reviewing and approving HACCP plans.
  25. Diarrhea, Vomiting, Fever, Nausea, Abdominal cramps, Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes)
    Symptoms of food borne illness
  26. Characteristics of Bacteria
    • Location-bacteria can be found almost everywhere. they live in and on our bodies. some types of bacteria keeps us healthy while others cause illness.
    • Detection-bacteria cannot be seen,smelled or tasted
    • Growth-if fat tom conditions are correct, bacteria will grow in rapid numbers.
    • Prevention-the most important way to prevent bacteria from causing a foodborne illness is to control time and temperatire
  27. How to prevent bacteria from causing food borne illness
    Control time and temperature
  28. FAT TOM. Bacteria needs these 6 Condition
    • Food
    • Acidity
    • Temperature
    • Time
    • Oxygen
    • Moisture
  29. Temperature danger zone
    41F - 135F

    • even more from
    • 70F - 120 F
  30. A value of ___________ is highly acidic while ___________ is highly alkaline.
    0 to 14.0
  31. what is he neutral pH
  32. Major bacteria that cause food borne illness
    • salmonella typhi
    • shingella spp
    • e-coli
  33. Only lives in humans. People with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract.
    Salmonella typhi
  34. found in feces of humans with illness
    Shigella spp
  35. found intestines of cattle. can contaminate meat during slaughtering.
  36. Characteristic of viruses
    • Location-viruses are carried by human beings and animals. they require a living host to grow.
    • Sources-
    • Destruction
  37. major viruses that cause foodborne illness
    • Hepatitis A
    • Norovirus
  38. Parasites, fungi
    Types of stuff that can cause foodborne illness
  39. How to store chemicals from food
    • Separated
    • never be stored above food or food-contact surfaces
  40. ALERT
    • Assure
    • Look
    • Employees
    • Reports
    • Threat
  41. Make sure that products you receive are from safe sources
    -supervise product deliveries
    -use approved suppliers who practice food defense
    -request that delivery vehicles are locked or sealed.
  42. Monitor the security of products in the facility
    -limit access to prep and storage areas. Locking storage areas is one way.
    -create a system for handling damaged products
    -store chemicals in a secure location
    -train staff to spot food defense threats
  43. know who is in your facility
    -Limit access to prep and storage areas.
    -identify all visitors, and verify chemicals
    -conduct background checks on staff.
  44. Keep information related to food defense accessible
  45. Identify what you will do and who you will contact if there is suspicious activity or a threat at your operation.
  46. Responding to a foodborne illness outbreak
    • Gathering information
    • notifying authorities
    • segregating product
    • documenting information
    • identifying staff
    • cooperating with authorities
    • reviewing procedures
  47. A pathogen carried in the nose of 30 to 50 percent of healthy adults. About 20 to 35 percent of healthy adults carry it on their skin. Food handlers transfer this type of bacteria to food when they touch the infected area of their bodies and then touch the food without washing their hands.
    Staphylococcus aureus
  48. temperature on water to wash hands and how long
    100F, 10-15sec
  49. Flow of food
    • Purchasing
    • receiving
    • storing
    • preparation
    • cooking
    • holding
    • cooling
    • reheating
    • serving
  50. how to prevent cross-contamination
    • using seperate equipment
    • cleaning and sanitizing
    • prepping food at different times
    • buying prepared food
  51. Time temperature control food has been abused any time it remains between _______- this is called the temperature danger zone because pathogens grow in this range.
    41F and 135F
  52. Pathogens grow much faster in what temperature?
    70F and 125F
  53. Food is being temperature abused whenever it handles in the following ways;
    • Cooked to the wrong internal temperature
    • held at the wrong temperature
    • cooled or reheated incorrectly
  54. Ways to avoid time-temperature abuse
    • Monitoring
    • tools
    • recording
    • time and temperature control
    • corrective actions
  55. types of time and temperature
    • Bimetallic stemmed thermometers
    • thermocouples
    • thermistors
  56. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of food must be accurate to what temperature?
    +/-2F or +/-1C
  57. Temperature
    Receive cold tcs food at
    41F or lower
  58. Receive oysters, mussles, clams, and scallops at air temperature ___ and an internal temperature no greater than _. Once received, the shellfish must be cooled to ___or lower in ______
    • Airtemp- 45F
    • internal temp - 50F
    • shellfish cooled - 41F
  59. receive shucked shell fish at temp
  60. Temp
    Receive 45F or lower. Cool the milk to 41F or lower in four hours
  61. Temp
    frozen food
    Solid frozen with no signs of breakage or crystallized ice.
  62. Ready to eat food stored for how many days in what temp?
    7 days at 41F or lower
  63. Store TCS food at an internal temperature of what?
    41 F or lower or 135F or higher
  64. storage units must have one air temperature. it must be accurate ----------.
    +/-3F or +/-1.5C
  65. FIFO
    First in first out
  66. storage order
    top to down
    • Ready to eat
    • sea food
    • whole cuts of beef and porl
    • ground meat and ground fish
    • whole and ground poultry
  67. ways of thawing frozen food
    • Refrigeration
    • running water
    • microwave
    • cooking
  68. thaw food in a cooler, keeping its temperature at ___________
    41F or lower
  69. submerge food under running water drinkable water at ______..
    70F or lower. never above 41F for longer than four hours
  70. storing leftovers
    41F or lower
  71. Cooking Poultry, stuffing made with fish
    165F for 15 sec
  72. Ground meat, injected meat, shell eggs
    155F for 15 Sec
  73. seafood , steaks, shell eggs that will be served immediately
    145F for 15 sec
  74. roast of pork,
    145F for 4 mins.
  75. fruit, vegetables
  76. Roast on 130F
    112 mins
  77. Cool tcs food from ______ or lower within six hours
    135F tp 41F
  78. reheating tcs food at what temperature
    165F for 15 sec
  79. ready to eat reheating temp
  80. hold hot food at what temp?
  81. Hold cold food at what temp?
  82. HACCP
    Hazard analysis critical control point
  83. Seven HACCP principles
    • Conduct a hazard analysis
    • determine critical control points
    •  establish critical limits
    • establish monitoring procedures
    • identify corrective actions
    •  verify that the system works
    • establish procedures for record keeping and documentation
  84. Heat sanitizing
    water 171F soak items for atleast 30 sec
  85. high temp dish washing machine
  86. Manual dish washing
    110F water temp
Card Set
Serv safe