science test chap. 15-16

  1. the process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb thermal energy and radiate it back to earth?
    greenhouse effect
  2. what is radiation.
    the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves.
  3. what is thermal conduction
    the transfer of energy as heat through a material.
  4. what is convection
    the transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or gas.
  5. the cause of global warming
    burning fossil fuels and deforestation which increases the level of greenhouse gases.
  6. the cause of differences in air pressure around the earth.
    • a. temperature (specifically)
    • b. altitude (in general)
  7. the greatest problem caused by the ozone hole.
    burnign fossil fuels
  8. how air pressure changes as altitude increases in the atmosphere
    as altitude increases air pressure decreases
  9. how a greenhouse is similar to the greenhouse effect
    the gases function like the roof and walls of the greenhouse
  10. the composition of the earths atmosphere (percentages of gases)
    • 78% Nitrogen
    • 21% oxygen
    • 1% ?
  11. how a warm front forms.
    forms when warm air moves over cold, denser air.
  12. the kind of weather an occluded front brings
    cool temperatures and large amounts of rain and snow
  13. be familiar with lightning
    • -one of the most dangerous parts of thunderstorms.
    • -also stay away from bodies of water and also tall objects
  14. the kind of weather a stationary front brings
    days of cloudy wet weather.
  15. the relationship between temperature and water vapor.
    temperature is how hot or cold something is and water vapor is the amount of water in the air.
  16. why one side of a mountain usually has more precipitation then the other side.
    one side mad be facing a body of water.
  17. the six major air masses that affect weather patterns and prevailing winds in the continental united states. know the name of each and where each is located
    MP, CP, MP, MT, CT, MT

    • P=POLAR
  18. the layers of the atmosphere in order from lowest to highest.
  19. what happens when air reaches its dew point
  20. the kind of weather nimbostratus clouds bring
  21. the purpose of isobars
    the help determine what the pressure is in an area.
  22. a description of an altocumulus cloud
    middle height puffy white clouds
  23. The part of the water cycle where clouds form.
  24. the cause of changes in weather.
    air masses
  25. the kind of weather a cold front brings
    cool and dry weather
  26. what a jet stream is
    a narrow belt of strong winds that blow in the upper troposphere
  27. what an air mass is and its characteristics
    a large body of air where temperature and moisture content are constant thorughout
  28. the kind of clouds that produce thunderstorms., having lightning and thunder.
  29. how hurricanes begin.
    develops over tropical oceans whose strong winds of more then 120 km/h spiral in toward the intensely low pressure storm centerbegins as a group of thunderstorms over tropical waters. wind traveling into different directions meet and cause to spin. b/c of Coriolis effect it spins counterclockwise.
  30. why the equator experiences about the same temperatures year-round
    always the same distance from the sun.
  31. human activities that are responsible for global warming
    a. the one that is the most responsible
    burning fossil fuels, deforestation
  32. What is a tornado?
    A tornado is a violent, rotating column of air which is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud.
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science test chap. 15-16
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