CSET 119: Ecology

  1. Explain energy flow and nutrient cycling through ecosystems (eg food chain, food web)
    • energy flow is the passage of energy through components of the ecosystem, ecosystems gain and lose energy, flows from bottom to the top of trophic pyramid, about 10% of the energy reaches the next level
    • nutrient cycling involves the transfer of materials within an ecosystem, nutrients are cycled and recycled, the supply of chemical elements is limited
  2. Explain matter transfer (biogeochemical cycles) in ecosystems
    • producers incorporate chemicals from the abiotic reservoir into organic compounds
    • consumers feed on the producers, incorporating some of the chemicals into their own bodies
    • both producers and consumers release some chemicals back into the environment in waste products
    • decomposers break down the complex organic molecules in detritus, the products of this metabolism are inorganic molecules that replenish the abiotic reservoir
  3. Distinguish between abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem
    • biotic factors - all of the organisms in the area, living component of the environment
    • abiotic factors - the environment's nonliving component and include chemical and physical factors
  4. Compare the roles of photosynthesis and respiration in an ecosystem
    • photosynthesis - produces glucose, which plants and animals use as sources of energy
    • respiration - harvests energy that is stored in sugars and other organic molecules
  5. Describe interrelationships within and among ecosystems (eg predator/prey)
    • parasitism: harms one species while benefiting the otherĀ 
    • commensalism: one organism benefits without harming the other
    • mutualism: benefits both species
  6. Identify and explain factors that affect population types and size (eg competition for resources, niche, habitats, species and population interactions, abiotic factors)
    • competition for resources - organisms compete for a limited amount of resources
    • niche - how population responds to distribution of resources and competitors
    • habitats - area inhabited by a particular population, limiting in size and resources
    • abiotic factors - space, availability of water, temperature
Card Set
CSET 119: Ecology
Biology CSET