History Cold War

  1. Ideologies of US and USSR
    • US
    • Government: Deomcracy
    • Economic: Capitalism
    • Social Ideology: Liberalism

    • USSR
    • Government: Dictatorship
    • Economic: Communism
    • Social Ideology: Totalitarianism

    Both wanted to spread their own ideas
  2. United Nations
    • Purpose: to keep peace
    • Countries involved: Britain, US, USSR
    • US/USSR implications: both had different ideologies
  3. NATO
    • Purpose: defensive alliance
    • Countries involved: countries bordering North Atlantic
    • US/USSR implications: USSR blocked off West Berlin
  4. Warsaw Pact
    • Purpose: defensive alliance
    • Countries involved: USSR
    • US/USSR implications: USSR's response to NATO
  5. Marshall Plan
    • Purpose: economic aid to Western European countries to rebuild after WWII (1948)
    • Countries involved: US
    • US/USSR implications: one of the US's plans to spread democracy and prevent the spread of Communism
  6. Truman Doctrine
    • Purpose: economic or military aid to countries that denied communism (1947)
    • Countries involved: US
    • US/USSR implications: one of the US's plans to spread democracy and prevent the spread of Communism
  7. Brezhnev Doctrine
    • Purpose: same as Truman Doctrine except to countries who denied Capitalism
    • Countries involved: USSR
    • US/USSR implications: USSR's response to Truman Doctrine
  8. Berlin Airlift
    delivering food to West Berlin by planes each day after USSR blocked it off
  9. Berlin Blockade
    USSR blocked all links between West and East Berlin (where power was)
  10. 1950 Events in US Home Front
    • Baby boom: a large increase in the American birthrate after WWII
    • Suburbanization: (white) families leaving the cities and heading to suburbia
    • New technologies: new things created (e.g. TV, vacuum, etc.)
    • McCarthyism: (1950-1956) Joseph McCarthy publicized accusations of communism or other disloyalty to the US government
  11. Actions of Nikita Khrushchev
    • -denounced Stalin’s policies
    • -interested in reducing Cold War tensions
    • -called for peaceful coexistence
  12. Nikita Khrushchev
    Soviet (USSR) leader after Joseph Stalin's death
  13. Results of Chinese Civil War
    • -Communists won and took over the country
    • -Signed a friendship treaty with USSR
    • -Nationalists fled to Taiwan
  14. Maoist Reforms
    • -Took land from landlords and divided among peasants
    • -Great Leap Forward (similar to Stalin's 5 year plans, industrial increase)
  15. Bay of Pigs Invasion
    • In 1961 exiled Cubans were angry after years of Castro’s rule. The USA FBI along with president Eisenhower promised
    • to help Cubans invade Cuba Bay of Pigs (BoP) and gave them weapons but weren’t successful.
  16. Cuban Missile Crisis
    Castro let USSR to put Ballistic missiles 90 miles from US shores in 1962
  17. Détente
    (1970's) agreement to get rid of bombs to avoid mutually assured destruction (easing cold war tension)
  18. Vietnam War
    • Important People: Ho Chi Minh, Ngo Dinh Diem, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon
    • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: 2 US destroyers attacked by North Vietnam patrols so US sends troops and planes to Vietnam to fight in War
    • Tet Offensive:
    • Location:
  19. Ho Chi Minh
    "He who enlightens"

    • -Communist leader of North Vietnam
    • -Fought French out
    • -Supported Vietcong
  20. Ngo Dinh Diem
    Anti-Communist dictator of South Vietnam (was assasinated)
  21. Dwight D. Eisenhower
    US president who described the Domino Theory
  22. Domino Theory
    the idea that if a nation falls under communist control nearby nations will too
  23. Lyndon Johnson
    US president that told Congress that two US destroyers had been attacked by North Vietnam patrols in the Gulf of Tonkin and he was allowed to send troops to Vietnam
  24. Richard Nixon
    US president who began pulling troops out of Vietnam in 1969 (last troops out in 1973)
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History Cold War
Cold War terms