1. Cell
    Smallest living unit.
  2. Where is the DNA located in the cell?
  3. What is the plasma membrane?
    Separates the contents of the cell from the surrounding fluid.
  4. Interstitial fluidd contains what?
    Amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, salts, transmitters...
  5. What is the cytoplasm?
    The "scaffolding" for the organelles.
  6. What are the organelles in the cell?
    They do specific functions.
  7. What is the mitochondria for?
    Food to energy.
  8. Where is ATP made?
  9. Where is RNA?
  10. Smooth ER does what?
    Storage of enzymes.
  11. Rough ER is for?
    Deliver proteins.
  12. What is the golgi complex?
    Packages proteins.
  13. What are lysosomes?
    Digest cell structures that aren't working; digesting waste.
  14. What is chromatin?
    Form of DNA when not dividing.
  15. What are chromosomes?
    Form of DNA when dividing.
  16. What's a zygote?
    Cell from union of sperm and egg.
  17. What is taxonomy?
    Study of scientific classification.
  18. What are the five kingdoms?
    • Animal
    • Plant
    • Monera (bacteria)
    • Protoist (protozoa, algae, some molds)
    • Fungi (molds, muchrooms, yeasts)
  19. What is active transport?
    Use of ATP to cross membrane.
  20. What is passive transport?
    Use of diffusion and filtration.
  21. The cell is isotonic. What?
    Solute concentration of the cell inside is the same as the outside.
  22. The cell is hypertonic. What?
    More solute outside than inside cell.
  23. The cell is hypotonic. What?
    More solute inside cell than outside.
  24. What are autotrophs?
    Produce own food from inorganic substances.
  25. What are heterotrophs?
    Consuming organic shit.
  26. What are biotic factors of the ecosystem?
    Living parts of the system.
  27. What are abiotic parts of the ecosystem?
    Non-living parts. Temp, humidity, soil.
  28. What's a biosphere?
    Portion of our planet that is inhabited by living ecosystems that are common to the various types of geographical areas.
  29. What's a cuticle in plants?
    Waxy layer that prevents water loss through evaporation.
  30. What are genes?
    "Instructions" to make the characteristics
  31. What is an independent variable?
    The one being changed.
  32. What is the dependent variable?
    variable that changes in response to the independent variable.
  33. What is peristalsis?
    Muscle contractions that help food go down.
  34. Where is bile produced?
  35. Where is bile stored?
  36. What enzymes break down carbs?
  37. What breaks down carbs?
    • Amylase
    • Sucrase
    • Maltase
  38. How does body make glucose?
    Break down carbs.
  39. Where do body break down carbs?
    Mouth then small intestine.
  40. What breaks down protein?
  41. How does body make amino acids?
    Break down protein.
  42. Where do body break down protein?
    Stomach then small intestine.
  43. What breaks down lipids?
  44. How does body create fatty acid and glycerol?
    Break down lipids.
  45. Where does body break down fats?
    Small intestine.
  46. Where is lactic acid from?
    Anaerobic aspiration.
  47. What comprises the CNS?
    Brain and spinal cord?
  48. What comprises the PNS?
    Nerves and sense receptors.
  49. What is the cerebrum for?
    High-level thinking. Conscious thinking, speech, memory.
  50. Cerebellum is for?
    Muscular coodination and balance.
  51. Pituitary gland is for?
    Master gland. All the FSH, LH etc hormones.
  52. Thyroid gland is for?
    Regulates metabolism.
  53. Parathyroid gland is for?
    Regulates calcium metabolism.
  54. Adrenal gland is for?
  55. Isles of Langerhans are for?
    Insulin, Glucagon.
  56. Atomic number is?
  57. Mass number is?
    Protons and neutrons.
  58. Newtons first law is?
    Object in motion stays in motion.
  59. Newton's second law is?
  60. Newton's third law is?
    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  61. What is boyle's law?
    The volume of a fixed amount of gas varies inversely with the pressure of the gas.
  62. What is Charles' law?
    Temp of gas goes up, volume goes up.
  63. Temperature is the measure of?
    average kinetic energy
  64. Latent heat is?
    Heat energy needed per unit mass to change the phase of substance.
  65. Periodic wave is?
    A motion that repeats itself.
  66. What is a mass defect?
    The mass difference of a nucleus and the protons and neutrons.
  67. What is radioactivity?
    The atom's nucleus would spontaneously disintegrate while giving off energy.
  68. The conversion from one element to another is?
  69. When a radioactive nucleus goes through a transmutation it's called?
    Nuclear reaction.
  70. What happens to nuclei in fusion?
    Several light atoms combine to a single heavy nucleus with a release of energy.
  71. What happens to nuclei in fission?
    A heavy nucleus splits into two main pieces with the release of a huge amount of energy.
  72. What is caloric intake?
    The sum of all calories we intake.
  73. What is obesity?
    When BMI>30.
  74. Saturated fat and transfat does what to our bodies?
    Increase cholesterol in blood. Lead to clogged arteries and coronary disease.
  75. What is atheroscelorosis?
    CLogged arteries.
  76. What is emphysema?
    Disease of lungs.
  77. Food temp that kills bacteria?
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