chapter 16 interest groups

  1. civic virtue
  2. collective good
    Something of value that cannot be withheld from a nonmember of a group, for example, a tax write-off or a better environment.
  3. disturbance theory
  4. economic interest group
     group with the primary purpose of promoting the financial interest of its members. Ex. AFL-CIO, AMA
  5. free rider problem
    Potential members fail to join a group because they can get the benefit, or collective good, sought by the group without contributing to the effort.  
  6. interest groups
     Organized groups that try to influence public policy
  7. lobbying
    The activities of a group or organization that seeks to influence legislation and persuade political leaders to support the group's position
  8. lobbyist
    Interest groups representative who seeks to influence legislation that will benefit his or her organization through political persuasion.
  9. patrons
    Interest groups representative who seeks to influence legislation that will benefit his or her organization through political persuasion.
  10. political action commitees
    Federally mandated, officially registered fund-raising committees that represent interest groups in the political process.
  11. public interest groups
    Federally mandated, officially registered fund-raising committees that represent interest groups in the political process.
  12. social capital
  13. trade associations
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chapter 16 interest groups