chapter 13 voting and election

  1. closed primary
    A primary election in which only a party's registered voters are eligible to vote
  2. critical election
  3. crossover voting
  4. elector
  5. electoral college
    Representatives of each state who cast the final ballots that actually elect a president. The significance of this is that the popular vote can differ from the actual president, and that the electors are not bound to vote as the public does. Constructed to work without political parties and elect a non-partisan president.
  6. electorate
  7. front loading
    The tendency of states to choose an early date on the primary calendar. This causes many states to try to push their way up the calendar to have an earlier primary, thus increasing their overall effect. Front-loading benefits the front runner in presidential campaigns, and benefits the candidate who gains the most money and support before the campaign officially begins.
  8. general election
    Election in which voters decide which candidates will actually fill elective public offices.
  9. gerrymandering
  10. initiative
    An election that allows citizens to propose legislation and submit it to the state electorate for popular vote
  11. mandate
    A command, indicated by an electorate's votes, for the elected officials to carry out their platforms.
  12. midterm election
    Elections in the middle of presidential terms.
  13. non partisan primary
  14. open primary
    A primary in which party members, independents, and sometimes members of the other party are allowed to vote.
  15. party realignment
  16. primary election
    Election in which voters decide which of the candidates within a party will represent the party in the general election
  17. prospective judgement
    A voter's evaluation of a candidate based on what he or she pledges to do about an issue if elected.
  18. raiding
  19. referendum
    An election whereby the state legislature submits proposed legislation to the states voters for approval.
  20. regional primary
     A proposed system in which the country would be divided into five or six geographic areas and all states in each region would hold their presidential primary elections on the same day.
  21. retropective judgement
     A voter's evaluation of the performance of the party in power
  22. runoff primary
  23. secular realignment
  24. superdelegate
    Delegate slot to the Democratic Party's national convention that is reserved for an elected party official.
  25. ticket splitting
  26. turnout
  27. unit rule
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chapter 13 voting and election