role of hormones in Female sexual repro

  1. Name the Site of production and the 4 Hormones involved in the menstrual Cycle?
    1. FSH - Antpit

    2. LH - AntPit

    3. Oestro - Ovary (theca Layer of follicles)

    4. Progestro - Ovary (Corpus Luteum)
  2. What are the targets of the 4 hormones involved in the mestrual cycle?
    1. FSH targets the ovary

    2. LH targest the ovary

    3. Progestrone targets the AntPit, Hypothalamus, Uterus and Cervix

    4. Oestrogen targets the AntPit, Hypothalamus, Uterus
  3. What are the effects of LH on the Ovary during the mestrual Cycle?
    • LH
    • - stims release of progesterone
    • - reduces oestrogen production
    • - causes ovulation
    • - stims rest of ovarian follicels to develop into Corpus Luteum
  4. What are the effects of oestrogen on the AntPit, Hypothalamus and Uterus during the Menstrual Cycle?
    Effects of Oestrogen on Ant Pit and hypothalamus:

    • - stims release of FSH and LH at high levels
    • - inhibits release of FSH and LH at low levels

    • Effects of Oestrogen on the Uterus:
    • - stimulates the growth of the uterus
  5. What are the effects of Progestron on the Antpit, Hypothalamus, Uterus and Cervix during the Menstrual Cycle?
    • Progestro on Antpit and Hypothalamus:
    • - inhibits FSH and LH

    • Progestro on Uterus:
    • -stims growth and gladular activity

    • Progestro on Cervix:
    • - stop penitration of sperm through cervical mucus
  6. Name the 4 hormones involved in Pregnacey?
    • 1. C.G - Chorionic Gonadotrophine
    • 2. H.P.L - Human placental Lactogen
    • 3. Oestrogo
    • 4. Progestro
  7. Name the Targets of each of the hormones in pregnacey?

    1. Chorionic gonadotrophin
    2.Human placental Lactogen
    4. Progesterone
    • 1. Ovary
    • 2. Whole body
    • 3. Antpit hypothalamus, uterus and breasts
    • 4. Antpit hypothalamus, uterus and breasts
  8. Sate the effects of progestrone on the Breasts and Uterus during pregnacey?
    • Progestro on Breasts:
    • - stims development of milk glands

    • Progestro on Uterus:
    • - Decreases sencitivty to Oxitocine (relaxe muscles)
    • - stims growth and glandular activtity
  9. Sate the effects of Oestrogen on the Uterus and Breasts during pregnancy?
    • Oestrogo on Uterus:
    • - increases sensitivity to Oxytocin
    • - stims Growth

    • Oestrogo on Breasts:
    • - stims development of duct system
  10. Name the site of production, point of release and Hormone involved in Birth?
    • 1. site of production - Hypothalamus
    • 2. point of release - Post Pit
    • 3. Hormone involved - Oxytocin
  11. What is the Target and Effect of Oxytocin on the During birth?
    1. Target - Uterus

    2. Effect - Contraction of muscels causing Labour
  12. Sate the 4 hormones involved in lactation?
    • 1. H.P.L - human placntal lactogen
    • 2. P.R.F - prolactin releasing factor
    • 3. Oxytocin
    • 4. Prolactin
  13. Name the Site of production of All 4 Hormones involved in laction?
    Site of production:

    • 1. HPL - Placenter
    • 2. PRF - Hypothalamus
    • 3. Oxytocin - Hypothalamus but released from Post pit
    • 4. prolactin - Antpit

  14. Sate the effect of Oxytocin and Prolactin on the Breasts during lactation?
    • Prolactin on Breasts:
    • - stims Glandular cells to produce milk

    • Oxytocin on Breasts:
    • - Ejaculation of milk during breast feeding
  15. What is the effect of HPl on the beasts and the Whole body during laction?
    • HPL on Breasts:
    • - stims Groth and Development

    • HPL on Whole body:
    • - modifies Glucose and Fat motabolisum of mum in favour of Baby
  16. What is the Target and Effect of PRF during Lactation?
    • 1. Target - AntPit
    • 2. Effect - Release Prolactin
  17. What are the effects of FSH on the Ovary during the Menstual cycle?
    FSH cause the development of a primary follicle
  18. Name the Targets of All 4 Hormones involved in lactation?
    • Target of hormones:
    • 1. HPL - Breasts
    • 2. HPL - Whole body
    • 3. PRF - Ant Pit
    • 4. Oxytocin - Breasts
    • 5. Prolactin - Breasts
  19. Sate the effects of Oestrogen on the AntPit, Hypothalamus during Pregnancy?
    • oestrogo on Antpit and hypothalmus:
    • -inhibits FSH and LH
    • - inhibits release of prolactin (and therefore Lactation)
  20. Sate the effects of progestrone on the AntPit, Hypothalamus, during pregnancy?
    • progestro on Antpit and Hypothalamus:
    • - inhibits FSH and LH
    • - inhibits release of prolactin
  21. Name the site of Production for the following hormones during preganaecy?
    1. Chorionic gonadotrophin
    2.Human placental Lactogen
    4. Progesterone
    • 1.Chorion/ placenter
    • 2.Placenter
    • 3.Corpus luteum, then placenter
    • 4.Corpus luteum, then placenter
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role of hormones in Female sexual repro
role of hormones in Female sexual repro