Vocabularies 6

  1. Dogma
    Opinions settle or fixed by an authority, eg the Church 
  2. Indolence
    Inactivity resulting from a dislike of work 

    A general feeling of indolence usually overtakes them during summer vacation. 

    Indolence is sweet and its consequences bitter. 

    I look upon indolence as a sort of suicide. 
  3. Doleful 
    Full of grief: A doleful face 

    Expressing grief: A doleful melody

    Causing grief: A doleful loss

    The girl had a doleful look on her face. 

    You sounded so doleful about your future that night. 
  4. Endow
    To furnish with an income; especially to make a grant of maoney providing for the continuing support or maintenance of 

    The wealthy couple endowed a new wing of the hospital 

    To equip or supply with a talent or quality 

    Nature endowed you with a beautiful singing voice. 
  5. Dubious
    Marked by or causing doubt

    Unsettled in mind; uncertain; doubtful 

    I was dubious about the plan

    The practice is of dubious legality. 
  6. Dubiety 
    A feeling of doubt that often results in wavering 

    The comfort of having a faith free from all dubiety is what attracts people to the religious sect. 
  7. Indubitable
    Too apparent to be doubted; unquestionable 

    Indubitable knowledge which is not derived from the sensory realm. 

    Indubitable sign, if ever there could be one, that the artists of oucc are not about to go quietly. 
  8. Induct
    • To place ceremoniously or formally in an office or a position 
    • A service to induct the new president of the university. 

    • To admit to military service
    • A draftee waiting to be inducted into the army. 

    • To introduce as to new experiance or knowledge; initiate
    • She was inducted into the ways of the legal. 
  9. Duress 
    Constraint by threat, coercison 

    Confessed under duress

    Complied with the order only under duress. 
  10. Dystopia 
    An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremly bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. 

    It took less than 48 hours for London to descend from self-styled capital of the world into a circuit of burning dystopian hells. 
  11. Dyslexia 
    A learning disability marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words. 
  12. Epilogue
    The closing section of a book, programme etc

    The final section of a literary, often added by way of explanation, comment, etc

    A closing speech in a play, often delivered after the completion of the main action. 
  13. Epistle
    A letter, esp a formal one

    One of the letters included as a book in the New Testement. 
  14. Erratic 
    Characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity 

    Erratic dieting

    Because of your erratic attendance at practice, you are in danger of being cut from the team. 
  15. Aberrant
    Deviating from the proper or expected course

    Behaving in an abnormal or untypical way. 

    A year of aberrant weather--record rainfall in the summer, record heat in the autumn. 

    Aberrant behavior can be a sign of rabies in a wild animal. 
  16. Obsolescent 
    Going out of use

    Obsolescent slang
  17. Acquiescent 
    Willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest

    Was not as acquiescent about sharing her room as her parents seemed to think she should be. 
  18. Euphemism 
    The deliberate or polite use of a pleasant or neutral word or expression to avoid the emotional implications of a plain term, as passed over for died; sleep with for have sexual intercourse with; departed for dead; relieve oneself for urinate. 
  19. Effusion 
    Unrestrained expression of words or feelings 

    Greeted her with great effusion. 

    The escape of a fluid from anatomical vessels by rupture or exudation. 
  20. Extrasensory
    Residing beyond or outside the ordinary senses. 

    Extrasensory perception
  21. Affable
    • Pleasant and easy to talk to 
    • An affable young man

    • Characterized by ease and friendliness
    • An affable manner
  22. Defame
    To damage the reputation, character, or good name of by slander or libel 

    He says he was defamed by reports that falsely identified him as a former gangster. 

    Ofcourse I want to win the election, but I refuse to defame my opponent in order to do so. 
  23. Figment
    Something invented, made up or fabricated

    Just a figment of the imagination 

    Unable to find any tracks in the snow the next morning, I was forced to conclude that the shadowy figure been a figment of my imagination. 
  24. Ratify 
    To approve and agree to formally and officially, esp in writing 

    A number of countries have refused to ratify the treaty. 

    Lincoln's home state of Illinois was the first to ratify the 13th amendment to the U.S. constitution, which provided for the abolish of slavery. 
  25. Confer
    • To consult eachother
    • The staff conferred with the head master about the new time table. 

    • To give an honour to someone
    • The university conferred degrees on two famouse scientists. 

    The lawyer and judge conferred about the ruling. 
  26. Fervor
    Intensity of feeling or expression 

    Intense heat

    The fervor surrounding her campaign continued right through election day. 

    The novel captures the revolutionary fervor of the period. 
  27. Fervid
    Marked by great passion or zeal "a fervid patriot

    Extremly hot; burning 

    At the school board meeting the librarian delivered a fervid speech defending the classic novel against would-be censors. 
  28. Effervescent
    To emit small bubbles of gas, as a carbonated or fermenting liquid. 

    To show liveliness or exhilaration. 
  29. Affidavit 
    A sworn statement in writing made esp under oath or on affirmation before an authorized magistrate or officer. 

    We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building. 
  30. Conflagration
    A large destructive fire

    Ten people perished in the conflagration. 
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Vocabularies 6
MCAT Vocabularies 6