Vocabularies 4

  1. Ambidextrous
    • Able to use both hands with equal facility 
    • An ambidextrous surgeon

    Unusually skilful 

    Deceptive or hypocritical

    In later years, his solo playing became truly ambidextrous, with a sense of danger and true improvisation with both hands.

    I basically just adapted, thus becoming slightly ambidextrous making me even more wonderfully special!
  2. Acerbic
    Sour or bitter tasting; acid 

    Sharp or biting, as in character or expression

    Acerbic comments directed at those who deserve them.

    At times, the playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose.
  3. Acumen
    Quickness, accuracy and keenness of judgment or insight

    The ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight

    His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.

    For the next three years, Wilson demonstrated immense political acumen.
  4. Archetype
    The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. 

    An archetype is the first of its kind and the basis for all to follow it. 

    An event that might be an archetype is birth.

    'Frankenstein' . . . 'Dracula' . . . 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' . . . the archetypes that have influenced all subsequent horror stories

    He is the archetype of the successful businessman.
  5. Apostate
    One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principle, or a cause. 

    An example of an apostate is a priest who leaves his church.

    He was an early apostate, leaving the party last year.

    The female apostate is to be kept in confinement until she recant or death.
  6. Apocope
    Omission of the final sound or sounds of a word.
  7. Amphitheater
    A level area surrounded by upward sloping ground

    A scene of conflict, competition, etc

    A slopping gallery in a theater

    A sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater)
  8. Ambit
    An external boundary 

    Limits, boundary, or circumference

    An ambit is the area around something that acts as a marker or sign of the limit/end or border.

    An example of an ambit is a fence around a yard. 

    Many feel that church leaders stray outside of their proper ambit when they make specific political endorsement. 
  9. Ambience
    A specific feeling or mood connected to a specific person, place or thing. 

    Example: the feeling of romance associated with a candle light dinner, wine, and soft music

    • The atmosphere of an environment  
    • The overall ambience of the room is cosy.  
  10. Amble
    To walk slowly or leisurely walk

    To walk without hurrying

    We were ambling along enjoying the scenery. 

    • An example of amble are two lovers slowly walking hand in hand. 
  11. Ambulatory
    Something that is moving around 

    Example: pack of wolves 

    Capable of walking; not bed ridden (an ambulatory patient)
  12. Bemoan
    To express grief over 

    To regard with displeasure, disapproval, or regret 

    He bemoans the fact that the team lost again. 

    Bemoaning what was lost. 
  13. Belligerent
    Of pertaing to, or engaged in warfare

    Belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war. 

    Inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility or combativeness. 

    He was drunk and belligerent. 

    The coach become quite belligerent and spit at an umpire after being thrown out of the game. 
  14. Bellicose
    Some one or something aggressive and eager or willing to fight: "bellicose young officers"

    An example of bellicose are angry rebels who storms a protest march.

    Warlike or quarrelsome "a bellicose nation."

    They will become more bellicose rather than diplomatic, more self-righteous and dismissive when criticized.
  15. Antebellum
    Belonging to the period before a war, especially the American civil war.

    Antebellum period

    Antebellum homes

    Antebellum architecture
  16. Benign
    Showing kindness and gentleness: "benign faces

    Not life threating or severe and likely to respond to treatment, as a tumor that is not malignant. 

    We were happy to hear that the tumor was benign. 
  17. Binoculars
    An optical instrument for use with both eyes, consisting of two small telescopes joined together. 

    He looked at the ship on the horizon through his binoculars. 
  18. Bipartisan
    Of, consisting of, or supported by members of two parties, especially two major political parties. 

    The bill has bipartisan support. 

    In his first Inaugural address, Jefferson sounded a conciliatory bipartisan note, avering that "we are all Republicans, we are all Federalists" a trope copied in many inaugural addresses to follow.
  19. Abridge
    To make (esp. a book) shorter. 

    To shorten in duration or extent 

    Modern transportation that abridges distance. 

    The library's hours have been drastically abridged to cut cost's. 

    Abridged from an essay by Jan Stuart. 
  20. Cascade
    A water fall or series of water falls over rocks

    Something falling or rushing forth in quantity 

    A cascade of sound

    A cascade of events 

    Her hair was arranged in a cascade of events.

    That decision se off a cascade of events
  21. Incandescent
    Emitting visible light as a result of being heated. 

    Shining briliantly; very bright 

    Sitting in darkness, except for the incandescent coals of our campfire. 

    Characterized by ardent emotion, intensity, or brilliance; "an incandescent performance

    A speaker incandescent with righteous anger over the treatment of the refugees. 

  22. Candor
    Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness. 

    Freedom from prejudice; impartiality. 

    She spoke with candor about racism. 

    I was impressed by the candor of his statement. 
  23. Enchant
    To delight: I was enchanted by the children's concert. 

    To put a magic spell on: A wizard had enchanted her. 

    To attract and move deeply; rouse to ecstatic admiration. "The scene enchanted her to the point of tears

    The beauty of the place enchants. 

    The book has enchanted children for almost a century. 
  24. Incantation
    The formulaic words or sounds used; a magic spell

    Words said or sung as a spell

    Hovering over the sick child, the witch doctor muttered mysterious incantation. 
  25. Precipitous
    Very steep; perpendicular. "a precipitous slope

    Happening in a very quick and sudden way. 

    There has been a precipitous decline in home sales recently. 

    People were shcoked by his precipitous fall from political power. 

    • Done too quickly and without enough thought or planning "precipitous action." 
  26. Concordance

    There is little concordance between the two studies. 
  27. Carnal
    Relating to the physical and especially sexual apetites "carnal desires

    Of or relating to the body or flesh; bodily "Carnal remaines

    The precher warned that those who were interested only in carnal pursuits would not see the kingdom of heaven. 
  28. Castigate
    To subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism 

    The author castigated the prime minister as an infective leader. 
  29. Chastise
    To punish, as by beating 

    To criticize severely 

    The coach is always chastising the players for minor mistakes. 
  30. Chaste
    Not having experianced sexual intercourse, viriginal

    Pure in thought and act

    Severely simple in design or execution 

    A chaste kiss on the check. 

    As one would expect, the minister's small talk is always chaste, even though he likes a joke as much as the next person. 
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Vocabularies 4
MCAT Vocabularies 4