English Final

  1. Pathos
    The needs and concerns for the audience. It appeals to audience needs, interests, emotions, logic, and wants
  2. Logos
    Logical appeal through arguement, evidence, and expert opinion. (data, claim, warrant)
  3. Ethos
    Personality/Image, reputation, character of speaker. The true feeling you get by the way you write. (Trusting)
  4. Data
    materials showna nd facts given by the speaker
  5. Warrant
    Words providing a transition or "mental jump" from data to claim
  6. Claim
    Conclusion of an argument. It's something the writer wants the audience to believe
  7. Support for Warrant
    Materials shown and facts given by the speaker
  8. Reservation
    Word or statement added to the claim to limit or specify it
  9. Qualifier
    Word showing the degree of impact that the speaker intends the claim to have
  10. Inductive Reasoning
    • Specific ===> General.
    • Begins with specific facts or instant. It goes from specific facts to generaliztion
    • *Be able to identify
  11. Deductive Reasoning
    • General ===> Specific.
    • Begins with a geveral statement to a specific. It has words like most, all or 90%.
    • *Be able to identify
  12. Syllogism
    • 1. Major Premise: the general statement
    • 2. Minor Premise: provable specific fact
    • 3. Conclusion:
    • *Be able to do this
  13. Analogy
    A comparison. You can never prove anything from it. You only make points with it. The more points, the better the analogy is.
  14. Cause and Effect
    • "post hoc, ergo propter hoc"
    • after this, because of this
  15. Relevent Arguement
    Point is closely related to what you are trying to prove
Card Set
English Final
Term for English semester 1 test