
  1. Types of dietary fibers (3)
    • cellulose
    • noncellulose
    • ligning
  2. solubility of fiber
    • Insoluble
    • soluble
  3. normal glucose level
    80-120 mg/dL
  4. Classes of fat
    • lipids
    • fatty acids
    • glycerides
    • lipoproteins
  5. A quickly available but limited form of energy is stored in the liver by converting glucose into
  6. kilocalories in sugar alcohols
    2 - 3 kcal/g
  7. fat enzyme
  8. protease
    protein enzyme
  9. kilocalories in protein
    4 kcal/g
  10. 3 energy sources
    • carbohydrates
    • fats
    • proteins
  11. lactose
    glucose + galactose
  12. polysacharides
    • starch
    • glycogen
    • dietary fibers
  13. 3 elements of carbohydrates
    • carbon
    • hydrogen
    • oxygen
  14. glycerides
    glycerol + fatty acid
  15. disacharides
    • sucrose
    • lactose
    • maltose
  16. sucrose
    glucose + fructose
  17. 5 1/2 oz
    Daily serving of meats
  18. 45% to 60%
    percent DRI of carbohydrates
  19. function of food
    • build tissues
    • provide energy
    • regulate metabolic processes
  20. kilocalories in carbohydrates
    4 kcal/g
  21. 2 1/2 cups / 40 oz
    daily serving of vegetables
  22. 80 to 110 mg/dL
    normal blood glucose level
  23. amylase
    carbohydrate enzyme
  24. maltose
    glucose + glucose
  25. daily serving of grains
    6 oz
  26. 10% to 35 %
    percent DRI of protein
  27. classes of fats
    • lipids
    • fatty acids
    • glycerides
    • lipoproteins
  28. amino acids
    building block of protein
  29. lipase
    fat enzyme
  30. 2 cups /16 oz
    daily serving of fruits
  31. 20% to 35%
    percent DRI of fats
  32. daily serving of milk
    3 cups / 24 oz
  33. kilocalories in protein
    4 kcal/g
  34. monosaccharides
    • glucose
    • fructose
    • galactose
  35. lipid
    another name for fat
  36. stores glucose
    liver and muscle
  37. what organ does not store glucose
  38. types of fat
    • saturated
    • unsaturated
    • polyunsaturated
  39. type of polyunsaturated fat
    • linolenic (omega 6)
    • alpha-linolenic (omega 3)
  40. type of visible fat
    • lard
    • salad oil
    • butter
    • fat meat
  41. type of invisible fat
    • cheese
    • egg yolk
    • seeds
    • nuts
    • olives
    • avocados
  42. not a fat
  43. simple carbohydrates
    mono - disaccharides
  44. complex carbohydrates
  45. what does fortified mean
    puting nutrients in that were not their before
  46. what does enriched mean
    nutrients added back into food that was in thr food before processed
  47. Saturated fat
    a saturated fatty acid has a structure filled with ll the hydrogen bonds it can hold
  48. unsaturated fat
    a fatty acid that is not completely filled with all the hydrogen it can hold
  49. elements of protein
    • carbon
    • hydrogen
    • oxygen
    • nitrogen
  50. triglyceride
    3 fatty acids bound to a glycerol molecule
  51. polyunsaturated fat
    fatty acid with 2 or more unfilled spots
  52. monounsaturated fat
    a fatty acid with only one unfilled spot
  53. elements of fats
    • carbon
    • hydrogen
    • oxygen
  54. example of saturated fat
    • meat
    • dairy
    • eggs
  55. example of polyunsaturated fat
    • vegetable oils
    • safflower
    • corn
    • cottonseed
    • soybean
  56. example of monosaturated fat
    • olives
    • olive oil
    • pecans
    • avocados
    • peanuts
    • peanut oil
  57. animal originated fat
    saturated fat
  58. plant and fish originated fats
  59. the major vehicles for lipid transport in ti blood stream
Card Set
nutrition chp 1-3