med term

  1. Anesthesia
    • Without feeling or sensation
    • -An = without
    • -esthesia = feeling or sensation
  2. Analgesia
    • Without sensitivity to pain
    • - An = without
    • - algesia = sensitivty to pain
  3. Antibiotic
    • against bacteria or a drug that kills or prevents the growth of bacteria
    • - Anti = Against
    • - biot/o = bacteria
  4. Abdominal
    • pertaining to the abdomen
    • - Abdomin/o = abdomen
    • - al = pertaing to
  5. Anisocytosis
    • a condition of unequal (increased or decreased) cell size
    • - Anis/o = unequal
    • -Cyt/o = cell
    • -osos = a condition of
  6. Acetabulum
    the socket of the hip joint
  7. Antiemetic
    • pertaining to against vomiting
    • -Anti = against
    • -emesis = vomiting
    • -tic = pertaining to
  8. Anemia
    • decreased in blood
    • -An = a decrease or without
    • -emia - blood
  9. Aseptic
    • pertaining to without infection
    • -A = without
    • -Septs/o = infection
    • -ic = pertaing to
  10. Adhesions
    • tissue that are drawn together
    • -Ad = together
    • -hesions = tissues
  11. Angiostasis
    • control or stop bleeding from a vessel
    • -Angi/o = vessel
    • -stasis = control or stop
  12. Angiorrhaphy
    • suturing a vessel
    • -Angi/o = vessel
    • -rrhaphy = suturing
  13. Angiorrhexis
    • rupture of a vessel
    • -Angi/o = vessel
    • -rrhexis = rupture
  14. Abdominoclysis
    • flushing of the abdomen
    • -Abdomin/o = abdomen
    • -clysis = flushing
  15. Abdominorrhaphy
    • suturing up the abdomen
    • -Abdomin/o = abdomen
    • -rrhaphy = suturing
  16. Analgesic
    • pertaining to without pain
    • -An = without
    • -algesic = pain
    • -ic = pertaining to
  17. Abduction
    • movement away from the midilne of the body
    • -Ab = from or away from
    • -duction = movement
  18. Aberrant
    wandering away from
  19. Adduction
    • movement towards the midline of the body
    • -Ad = towards
    • -duction = movement
  20. Adenoma
    • tumor of a gland
    • -Aden/o = gland
    • -oma = tumor
  21. A febrile
    • without fever
    • -A = without
    • -febrile = fever
  22. Anesthesiology
    • the study of the loss of feeling or sensation
    • -An = without
    • -esthesia = feeling or sensation
    • -ology = study of
  23. Anhidrosis
    • a condition of no sweat
    • -An = without
    • -hidr/o = sweat
    • -osis = a conditon of
  24. Anteroposterior
    • front to back
    • -Anter/o = front
    • -Posterior = back
  25. Anterolateral
    • front and to the side
    • -Anter/o = front
    • -Lateral = side
  26. Anuria
    • without urine
    • -An = without
    • -uria = urine
  27. Apnea
    • without breathing
    • -A = without
    • -pnea = breathing
  28. Bradycardia
    • slowed heart rate
    • -brady = slow
    • -cardi/o = heart
  29. Bifurcation
    • having two branches
    • - bi = two
    • - furcation = branches
  30. Bradypnea
    • slowed breathing
    • -brady = slow
    • -pnea = breathing
  31. Bilateral
    • Two sides or both sides
    • -bi = two
    • -lateral = side
  32. Cystocentesis
    • a surgical puncture of the bladder
    • -cyst/o = bladder or sac containing fluid
    • -centesis = a surgical punture
  33. Cocci
    a family of spherical shaped bacteria
  34. Condyloid
    • pertaining to the condyle
    • -condyl/o = condyle (a prominece of bone at a joint)
    • -oid = like, resembling
  35. Colporrhea
    • discharge of the vagina
    • -colp/o = vagina
    • -rrhea = discharge
  36. Carcinoma
    • a malignant tumor
    • -carcin/o = malignant or cancer
    • -oma = tumor
    • *Malignant means that the cells can travel to other organs*
  37. Cystology
    • study of cells
    • -cyt/o = cell
    • -ology = study of
  38. Cardiomegaly
    • enlarged heart
    • -cardi/o = heart
    • -megaly = enlarged
  39. Carpal
    • pertaining to the wrist or carpal bones
    • -carp/o = wrist or carpal bone
    • -al = pertaining to
  40. Cranial
    • pertaining to the head or skull
    • -crani/o = cranium or skull
    • -al = pertaining to
  41. cryporchidism
    • a condition of an undescended testicle
    • -cryp/o = hidden or undescended
    • -orchid/o = testicle
    • -ism = condition of
  42. cyanosis
    • a condition of blueness
    • -cyan = blue
    • -osis = a condition of
  43. Dyspnea
    • difficult breathing
    • -dys = difficulty
    • -pnea = breathing
  44. Diagnosis
    • knowledge through testing
    • -di/a = through
    • -agnosis = knowledge
  45. Dermatocentesis
    • a surgical puncture of the skin
    • -dermat/o = skin
    • -centesis = surgical puncture
  46. Dental
    • pertaining to the teeth
    • -dent/o = teeth
    • -al = pertaining to
  47. Dissect
    • undo or cut a tissue
    • -dis = to free, undo or to seperate
    • -sect = tissue
  48. Diplococcia
    • a group of round bacteria in pairs
    • -dipl/o = double or pairs
    • -cocci = a group of round bacteria
  49. Duodentitis
    • inflammation of the duodenum
    • -duoden/o = duodenum
    • -itis = inflammation
  50. Electrocardiogram
    • a record of the electrical impulses of the heart
    • -electro = electrical
    • -cardi/o = heart
    • -gram = a record
  51. Electrocardiograph
    • an instrument used to record the electrical impulses of the heart
    • -electro = electrical
    • -cardi/o = heart
    • -graph = an instrument used to record (in X-Ray, use it means a recorded picture)
  52. Endotracheal
    • pertaining to inside the trachea
    • -endo = inside, within or inner
    • -trache/o = trachea
    • -al = pertaining to
  53. Emesis
  54. Erythrocytes
    • RBC
    • -Erythr/o = red
    • -cyt/o = cell
  55. Endoscopy
    • the process of using a scope to view within
    • -end/o = within
    • -scopy = the process of viewing with a scope
  56. Esophageal
    • pertaining to the esophagus
    • -esophah/o = esophagus
    • -al = pertaining to
  57. Excised
    • to cut out
    • -ex = out from
    • -cised = to cut
  58. Euthanasia
    • easy peaceful death
    • -eu = easy or peaceful
    • -than/o = death
  59. Epidural
    pertaining to the space upon the duramater
  60. Ectopic
    out of place
  61. Femoral
    • pertaining to the femor
    • -femor/o = femor
    • -al = pertaining to
  62. Gingivitis
    • inflammation of the gums
    • -gingiv/o = gums
    • -itis = inflammation
  63. Gastrostomy
    • creating a new opening in the stomach (not closed)
    • -gastr/o = stomach
    • -ostomy = creating a new opening

    *feeding tube*
  64. Gastrotomy
    • creating a new opening in the stomach (closed)
    • -gastr/o = stomach
    • -otomy = creating a new opening
  65. Hyperglycosuria
    • elevated or excessive urine sugar levels
    • -Hyper = over,above,more than normal or excessive
    • -glycos = sugar or glucose
    • -uria = urination, urine or urinating
  66. Hypoglycemia
    • low blood sugar levels
    • -hypo = less than normal, under or below
    • -glycemia = blood sugar
  67. Hepatic
    • pertaining to the liver
    • -hepat/o = liver
    • -ic = pertaining to
  68. Hyperthermia
    • increased temp
    • -hyper = increased
    • -therm/o = temp
  69. Hypothermia
    • decreased temp
    • -hypo = decreased
    • -therm/o = temp
  70. Histologist
    • one who specializes in the study of tissue
    • -hist/o= tissue
    • -ologist = one who specializes in
  71. Hepadiclipidosis
    • pertaining to the condition of fatty liver
    • -hepat/o = liver
    • -ic = pertaining to
    • -lip/o = fat
    • -osis = a condition of
  72. Hepatomegaly
    • enlarged liver
    • -hepat/o = liver
    • -megaly = enlarged
  73. Hemangiosarcoma
    • a cancer of the blood vessels
    • -hem/o = blood
    • -angio/o = vessel

    Sarcoma = a cancer of soft tissue
  74. Hypochromasia
    • less than normal color or LIGHTER
    • -hypo = under, below, less than normal
    • -chrom/o = color
  75. Hyperchromasia
    • more than normal color or DARKER
    • -hyper = over, ablove, more than normal
    • -chrom/o = color
  76. Hemolysis
    • destruction of blood (RBC)
    • -hem/o = blood
    • -lysis = destruction or break down
  77. Intravenous
    • within the vein
    • -intra = within
    • -ven/o = vein
  78. Intramuscular
    • within the muscle
    • -intra = within
    • -musc/o = muscle
  79. Intraperoteneal
    • within the abdomen
    • -intra = within
    • -perot/o = abdomen
  80. Intracostal
    • between the ribs
    • -intra = between
    • -cost/o = ribs
  81. Ilial
    • pertaining to the ilium
    • -ili/o = ilium (a bone of the pelvis)
    • -al = pertaining to
  82. Intradental
    • pertaining to between the teeth
    • -intra = between
    • -dent/o = teeth
    • -al = pertaining to
  83. Incision
    • to cut into
    • -in = in or into
    • -cise = to cut
  84. Icteric
    yellow or jaundice
  85. Ischial
    • pertaining to the ischium
    • -ischi/o = ischium (a bone of the pelvis)
    • -al = pertaining to
  86. Leukocytes
    • White Blood Cells, WBC
    • -leuk/o = white
    • -cyt/o = cell
  87. Leukocytosis
    • increased white blood cells (WBC)
    • -leuk/o = white
    • -cyt/o = cell
    • -osis = increase
  88. Laparotomy
    • an incision into the abdominal wall
    • -Lapar/o = abdominal wall
    • -otomy = an incision
  89. Myocardium
    • heart muscle
    • -my/o = muscle
    • -cardi/o = heart
  90. Malignant
    cells can travel to other organs
  91. Metastasis
    • spreading beyond the point of origin or beyond stopping
    • -meta = beyond
    • -stasis = control or stopping
  92. Mycotic
    • pertaining to fungus
    • -myc/o = fungus
    • -is = pertaining to
  93. Macrocytosis
    • a condition of larger than normal cells
    • -macr/o = large
    • -cyt/o = cell
    • -osis = a condition of
  94. Microcytosis
    • a condition of smaller than normal cells
    • -micr/o = small
    • -cyt/o =cell
    • -osis = a condition of
  95. Malanocyte
    • a black pigmented cell
    • -malan/o = black
    • -cyt/o = cell
  96. NasoGastric
    • pertaining to the nose to stomach
    • -nas/o = nose or nostril
    • -gastr/o = stomach
    • -ic = pertaining to
  97. NG
  98. Narcotics
    • drugs that induce sleep or pertaining to sleep
    • -narc/o = sleep
    • -tic = pertaining to
  99. Necrosis
    • a condition of death of tissue
    • -necr/o = death
    • -osis = a condition of
  100. Ovariohysterectomy
    • a surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus
    • -ovari/o = ovaries
    • -hyster/o = uterus
    • -ectomy = a surgical removal
  101. Oncology
    • the study of tumors
    • -onc/o = tumor
    • -ology = the study of
  102. Orchidectomy
    • a surgical removal of the testicals
    • -orchid/o = testicle
    • -ectomy = a surgical removal
  103. Polydypsia = PD
    • excessive drinking
    • -poly = many, much, excessive
    • -dyps/o = drinking
  104. Polyuria = PU
    • excessive urination
    • -poly = many, much excessive
    • -uria = urination
  105. Prognosis
    • prediciton of an outcome or prior knowledge of an outcome
    • -pro = before or prior
    • -gnosis = knowledge
  106. Pyometria
    • pus filled uterine tissue
    • -py/o = pus
    • -metr/o = uterine tissue
  107. PCV
    paced cell volume
  108. Polychromasia
    • many colors
    • -poly = many
    • -chromasia = color
  109. Periodontal
    • pertaining to around the teeth
    • -peri/o = around
    • -dont/o = teeth
  110. Pathologist
    • one who specializes in the study of dz (the cause and the origin or dz)
    • -path = dz
    • -ologist = one who specializes in
  111. PEG
    • percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
    • *feeding tube through the abdominal wall*
  112. Polydactylism
    • a condition of too many or extra digits
    • -poly = many, much, excessive
    • -dactyl/o = digits
    • -ism = a condition of
  113. Radiiography
    • the process of using x-ray, radiation to form a record or image
    • -radi/o = radiation or x -ray radiation
    • -graphy = the process of recording
  114. Radiographs
    • images made from x-ray radiation
    • -radi/o = radiation or x-ray radiation
    • -graph = (as used in x-ray) an image or record
  115. Radiology
    • the study of x-ray radiation
    • -radi/o = radiation or x-ray radiation
    • -ology = the study of
  116. Renal
    • pertaining to the kidneys
    • -ren/o = kidneys
    • -al = pertaining to
  117. Subcutaneous
    • under the skin
    • -sub = under, below
    • -cutane/o = skin
  118. Sonic
    • pertaining to sound
    • -son/o = sound
    • -ic = pertaining to
  119. Subgingival
    • pertaining to under the gums
    • -sub = under, below
    • -gingiv/o = gums
    • -al = pertaining to
  120. Splenic
    • pertaining to the spleen
    • -splen/o = spleen
    • -ic = pertaining to
  121. Splenomegaly
    • enlarged spleen
    • -splen/o = spleen
    • -megaly = enlarged
  122. Splenorrhexis
    • ruptured spleen
    • -splen/o = spleen
    • -rrhexis = rupture
  123. Sarcoma
    a cancer of soft tissue
  124. Splenectomy
    • surgical removal of the spleen
    • -splen/o = spleen
    • -ectomy = a surgical removal
  125. Tachypnea
    • fast or rapid breathing
    • -tachy = fast or rapid
    • -pnea = breathing
  126. Tachcardia
    • increased heart rate
    • -tachy = increased
    • -cardi/o = heart
  127. Thoracocentesis
    • a surgical puncture into the thorax
    • -thorac/o = thorax
    • -centesis = a surgical puncture
  128. Thrombocytes
    • blood clotting cells or platelets
    • -thromb/o = clot or blood clot
    • -cyt/o = cell
  129. Ultrasound
    • soundwaves that are beyond audible frequency
    • -ultra = beyond or in excess
    • -sound = sound
  130. Vasotripsy
    • surgical crushing or vessel
    • -vas/o = vessel
    • -tripsy = surgical crushing
  131. Ventrodorsal
    pertaining to front to back
Card Set
med term
medical terminology for veterinary