How much vacuum should a suction have?
300 mm Hg negative pressure
Whats the minimum information the dispatcher should gather and record?
- The nature of the call
- The name, present location, a call back number of the caller
- The location of the pt(s)
- The number of Pt's and some ideas of the severityof their condition
- Any other special problems or pertient information about hazards or weather conditions
Whats the first rule of safe driving (regarding speed)
Speed does not save lives;good care does.
Whats siren syndrome?
Becoming aware of yours or others drivers tendencies to drive faster in the presence of sirens
What happens if you reach the apex of a curve?
The vehicle will be forced toward the outside of the roadway as it exits the curve
What is hydroplaning
At speeds greater than 30mph, the tire may be lifted off the road as water pile under, The vehicle feels as if it is floating, robbing the driver of control
What rules are you exept from when driving a ambulance?
- 1. Park or stand in an other wise illegal location
- 2. Proceed through a red traffic light or stop sign
- 3. Drive faster than the posted speed limit
- 4. Drive against the flow of traffic on a one-way street, or make a turn that is normally illegal
- 5. Travel left of center to make an otherwise illegal pass
Intersection Hazards
Intersection crashes are the most common and usually the most serious type of collision in which ambulances are involved
Whats the area that a helicopter can land?
100x100 ft
The main blade will be closer to the ground on what side
Use of warning lights and siren
- 1. The unit must be on a true emergency call to the best of your knowledge
- 2. Both audible and visual warning devices must be used silmultaneously
- 3. The unit must be operated with due regard for the safety of all others, on and off the roadway