Engineering Geology - Chapter 5 - Sedimentary Rocks

  1. What is the Bowen Reaction Series?
    Minerals crystallize in a predictable order, over a large temperature range, as described by Bowen’s Reaction Series.
  2. List at least 2 types of mechanical weathering.
    • Possible Answers:
    • frost and salt wedging;
    • mechanical exfoliation;
    • thermal expansion;
    • biological activity.
  3. List at least 2 types of chemical weathering.
    • Possible Answers:
    • dissolution (or carbonation);
    • oxidation;
    • hydrolysis.
  4. What are the two main types of soils, in regard to their origin?
    residual and transported.
  5. What are the 3 main types of sedimentary rocks in regard to their origin?
    • detrital; (inorganic)
    • chemical;
    • organic;
  6. How do you distinguish a sedimentary conglomerate from a sedimentary breccia?
     in the conglomerate the clasts are rounded; in beccia the clasts are angular.
  7. In the lab, what is main diagnostic property you used to identify the sedimentary rock limestone?
     reaction with light acid (HCl); i.e., effervescence or bubbling with light hydrochloric acid (also known as muriatic acid).
  8. What is the distinct physical characteristic of the sedimentary rock shale?
    fissility (or foliation) planes.
  9. In the lab, what is main diagnostic property you used to identify if a sedimentary rock was organic?
    The presence of shells, fossils, or plant material
Card Set
Engineering Geology - Chapter 5 - Sedimentary Rocks
Chapter 5 & 6