1. jeremiah 10:6
    yahweh, there is no one like you! for you are great and your name is full of power!
  2. 1 peter 3:15
    always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give them a reason for the hope that we have, but do this with gentleness and respect.
  3. matthew 21:22
    if we believe, we will receive whatever we ask for in prayer.
  4. creation
    genesis 1
  5. the fall
    genesis 3
  6. abraham/melchizedek
    genesis 12-17
  7. esau sells birthright
    genesis 25
  8. jacob steals esau's blessing
    genesis 27
  9. creation day 4
    sun, moon, stars
  10. rahab & the spies
    joshua 2
  11. gibeonite deception
    joshua 9
  12. sun stands still
    joshua 10
  13. david & jonathon
    1 samuel 20
  14. absalom's rebellion
    2 samuel 15
  15. david & bathsheba
    2 samuel 11
  16. fire from heaven
    1 kings 18
  17. naaman's leprosy healed
    2 kings 5
  18. asa has good start
    2 chronicles 14-15
  19. ephesians 6:1
    children obey your parents in the lord for this is right.
  20. psalm 70:4
    let those who love your salvation continually say, "yahweh is great!"
  21. how majestic is the lord
    psalm 8
  22. the lord is my shepherd
    psalm 23
Card Set
bible memorization