1. the fool says there is no god
    psalm 53
  2. yahweh's faithfulness
    psalm 105
  3. his love endures forever
    psalm 136
  4. the beginning of knowledge
    proverbs 1
  5. vineyard parable
    isaiah 5
  6. comfort ye my people
    isaiah 40
  7. elder's sun worship
    ezekiel 8
  8. 70 years of captivity prophesied
    jeremiah 29
  9. valley of dry bones
    ezekiel 37
  10. a famine of hearing the word of the lord
    amos 8
  11. daniel in the lion's den
    daniel 6
  12. the righteous shall live by faith
    habakkuk 2
  13. proverbs 3:11-12
    do not despise the lord's discipline or resent his rebuke, for the lord disciplines those he loves.
  14. messiah rides into jerusalem on a donkey prophesied
    zechariah 9
  15. the day of the lord
    malachi 4
  16. psalm 51:10
    god, create a clean heart for us & renew a steadfast spirit within us.
  17. 7 kingdom parables
    matthew 13
  18. the woman at the well
    john 4
  19. cana wedding
    john 2
  20. jesus' resurrection
    john 20
  21. man born blind
    john 9
  22. paul's 2nd missionary journey
    acts 16-18
  23. peter's escape from prison
    acts 12
  24. doctrinal
    romans 1-8
Card Set
bible memorization