1. proverbs 24:5
    a wise man has great power, & a man of knowledge increases strength.
  2. romans 4:25
    jesus was handed over to die for our sins. he was raised to life in order to make us right with god.
  3. matthew 4:4
    man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of god.
  4. joshua 24:15
    choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, but as for me & my house, we will serve yahweh.
  5. joseph sold by his brothers
    genesis 37
  6. the passover
    exodus 12
  7. crossing the red sea
    exodus 14
  8. 2 locations of the 10 commandments
    • exodus 20
    • deuteronomy 5
  9. nazirite vow
    numbers 6
  10. creation day 1
  11. creation day 5
    fish & birds
  12. crossing the jordan
    joshua 3
  13. jonathon attacks the philistines
    1 samuel 14
  14. samuel's birth
    1 samuel 1
  15. davidic covenant
    2 samuel 7
  16. absalom's death
    2 samuel 18
  17. reheboam splits the kingdom
    1 kings 12
  18. psalm 121:2
    our help comes from yahweh, who made heaven & earth.
  19. nehemiah's final reforms
    nehemiah 13
  20. darius' decree & temple finished
    ezra 6
  21. wall completed
    nehemiah 6
  22. mordecai's plea
    esther 4
Card Set
bible memorization