History Final

  1. The capital of South Vietnam:
  2. The capital of North Vietnam:
  3. Means "He Who Enlightens" and Vietnamese communist statesman:
    Ho Chi Minh
  4. South Vietnam's non-Communist leader:
    Ngo Dinh Diem
  5. The theory that if one country in southeast Asia falls to Communism, the rest will fall very quickly.:
    Domino Theory
  6. Communists fighting against the South Vietnamese government:
  7. This gave the president authority to take "all neccessary measure to repel any armed attack against forces of the United States."Congressional resolution passed in 1964 that authorized military action against armed atack on U.S.; passed by both both houses of congress:
    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
  8. A network of jungle paths connecting North and South Vietnam.network of paths and tunnels along (in this order) North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam to support Viet Cong:
    Ho Chi Minh Trail
  9. A variety of civil rights pacifistic, religious student groups that shaped the anti-war movement.:
    Students for Democratic Society
  10. Those who support war.:
  11. Those who support peace.:
  12. The gap between the Johnson Administration and the American public support.:
    Credibility Gap
  13. Where the French were defeated by the North Vietnamese.:
    Dien Bien Phu
  14. The commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam.:
    General Westmoreland
  15. They savotaged people and then ran away.:
    Guerilla War
  16. The secretary of state for Nixon.:
    Henry Kissinger
  17. Incident in which National Guard troops fired at a group of students during an antiwar protest at Kent State University in Ohio, killing four people.:
    Kent State Shooting
  18. Historical account of the Vietnam War which was highly critical of the war.:
    Pentagon Papers
  19. Surprise attacks on cities in South Vietnam on the Asian New Years Day. Surprise attacks on cities all over South Vietnam during their New Year- Tet:
    Tet Offensive
  20. A herbicide that is believe to have contaminated Americans and Vietnamese.:
    Agent Orange
  21. Act that granted emergency executive powers to the president to run the war effort.:
    War Powers Act
  22. Policy of equipping and training of the South Vietnamese to fight for themselves.:
  23. A secondary boycott is the suport of a boycott by ____ not directly involved in the dispute.
  24. Such boycotts were ____ under the Labor Act of 1959.
  25. This state became the 49th state on January 3, 1959:
  26. This state became the 50th state on August 21, 1959:
  27. Gross National Product (GNP) stands for the total number of:
    goods and services produced in a nation
  28. This is what Americans called the purchase of Alaska because little was known of the territory's natural resources:
    Seward's Folly
  29. The U.S. Secretary of State who bought Alaska in 1867 for $7.2 million
    William Seward
  30. Democratic president from 1945-1961; gave orders to drop the atomic bomb on Japan; president when the Korean war began; known for his "Fair Deal" domestic program:
    Harry S. Truman
  31. Republican president from 1953-1961; Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during WWII; president at the end of the Korean War and the Suez Crisis; began the idea of "Modern Republicanism":
    Dwight D. Eisenhower
  32. The late 1950's were a time of ___ prosperity.
  33. After being charged with bribery and extortion, Nixon's vice president, ___ ___, chose to resign so that he would receive a lesser sentence.
    Spiro Agnew
  34. The Articles of Impeachment issued by the Judiciary Committee charged Nixon with violating his __ __ ___. Upon receiving these articles, Nixon chose to __.
    oath of office, resign
  35. Upon becoming the 38th president, __ granted an unconditional __ for Nixon's involvement in the __ scandal.
    Gerald Ford, pardon, Watergate
  36. This president also granted ___, or a general pardon by a government, for the Vietnam draft evaders and military deserters.
  37. Stagflation stands for sluggish ___ growth coupled with a high rate of ___.
    economic, inflation
  38. 39th democratic president of the United States from 1977-1981; president during the Iran hostage crisis and a struggling economy:
    Jimmy Carter
  39. A cease fire is an order to:
    stop firing
  40. A person who flees for safety to a foreign country:
  41. The War Powers Resolution states that no ___ could send American troops into combat for a period longer than ____ unless ___ approved.
    president, 60 days, congress
  42. U.S. president from 1969-1974; involved in the Watergate scandal; first president to resign (quit on their own) from office
    Richard Nixon
  43. By April 1975 both ___ and ___ had fallen to communists.
    Camboia, South Vietnam
  44. Two results of the Vietnam War:
    • We were in even more debt.
    • There were more protests and riots.
  45. New Vietnam war strategy; American troops would not engage the enemy unless they were attacked or threatened by attack:
    protect and reaction
  46. "Personal Dimplomacy", President ____ approach to solving the Cold War problems; involved numerous ___ with the leaders of communist countries.
    Richard Nixon, conferences
  47. The policy of the ______ was a gradual relaxation and reduction of tensions between ___ and ____.
    Detente, United States, Soviet Union
  48. The _____ war was a conflict between the Arab nations and ____ that began in 1967. It caused the Arab nations to raise oil prices and put temporary embargo on ___ to the U.S.
    Yom Kipper, Israel, oil shipments
  49. The Mayguez incident occurred in 1975 when an American cargo ship was seized by ___ Communsits.
  50. Nixon's foreign policy advisor who helped establish a cease-fire in Vietnam and improved rlationships with communist China and the Soviet Union.
    Henry Kissinger
  51. Communist party secretary and leader of the Soviet Union after the removal of Nikita Khrushchev.
    Leonid Brezhnev
  52. The developing nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America are what type of countries:
    third world
  53. The Berlin Wall was a Soviet-constructed wall that seperated:
    West Berlin from East Berlin
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History Final
Study questions for 8th grade History Final Exam