physio final 1

  1. what are the layers of the integumentary system?
    hypodermis (separates the deeper tissues from dermis, which has the connective tissue, epidermis is the skin exposed to the outside layer
  2. what are the layers in the epidermis?
    stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corenum
  3. what is special about the strattum basale?
    • has epidermal ridges, which increase SA for nutrient uptake in the dermis
    • stem cells that continues to divide
  4. what is the layer of the epidermis that have stopped dividing and makes keratin?
    stratum granulosum
  5. why does the stratum corneum cells lose in sheets?
    remains tightly connected by desosomes
  6. what are the observed differences in skin color a reflection of?
    reflect the levels of melanin produced by the melanocyte
  7. what is sunlight used for?
    converts into vitamin D, converted by kidneys to calcitriol, which is essential for the absorption of calcium
  8. what is the layer in the dermis that supports the epidermis?
    papillary layer; it contains a deeper reticular layer which collagens and fibers
  9. where are the osteocytes located?
    in small pockets called lacunae, between narrow sheets of calcified matrix, lamellae
  10. what are the basic units of a compact bone?
    osteon, where osteocytes are arranged in concentric layers around a central canal
  11. how are spongy bone different from compact bone?
    lamellae form rods or plates called trabeculae
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physio final 1