Lighting Notes

  1. How many stops open is a Filter Factor of 2?
    • 1 Stop
    • ND3
  2. How many stops open is a Filter Factor of 4?
    • 2 stops
    • ND6
  3. How many stops open is a Filter Factor of 8?
    • 3 Stops
    • ND9
  4. What happens when the voltage drops on a tungsten light?
    The color temperature goes DOWN.
  5. What happens when the voltage drops for an HMI light?
    The color temperature goes up because there is less red.
  6. What is the numeric relationship between voltage and color temperature?
    • 1volt=10degreesK
    • 10volts=100degreesK
  7. What are all of the F-Stops?
    2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
  8. If three 2K lights are used in 6 hours, how many kwhrs is that?
    6k X 6hrs= 36kwhrs
  9. What is a visual treatment?
    A breakdown of the story in terms of visual elements such as color, framing, and camera movement.
  10. What is Mired?
    • A convenient means for dealing with problems of adjusting from one color temperature to another. Deals in micro reciprocal degrees.
    • MIRED=106/k degrees
  11. What is the Mired Shift Value?
    • The amount of change of color temperature from one source to another.
    • (106/T2) - (106-T1)
    • delivered source- original source
  12. What are light balancing filters for? Name two.
    • For warming or cooling to correct slight mismatches.
    • 81 (orange) and 82 (blue)
  13. What is the brightness range?
    The total contrast found in the subject.
  14. How do you calculate lighting ratios when the lights overlap?
  15. How do you calculate the lighting ratio when the lights do NOT overlap.
    key alone and fill alone.
  16. What is the cinematographer's job?
    Camera movement and composition
  17. What is the GAFFER'S job?
    • Head electrician
    • Chief lighting technician
  18. What is the GRIP'S job?
    • Shaping light
    • Support (dolly)
    • Light construction
  19. What is the ELECTRICIAN'S job?
    • Distributes power
    • Set lights
  20. What's a black body?
    Something you heat that has no color.
  21. What is the color temperature of day?
    2,000 - 20,000K
  22. Why are fluorescent lights green?
    Because they have a discontinuous spectrum.
  23. What do BARN DOORS do?
    Control Spill
  24. What's a SCRIM?
    A wire mesh ring that controls intensity.
  25. What is a SNOOT?
    Cylinder that creates a circle for the light.
  26. What is a COOKIE?
    A cutout that creates a pattern for the light.
  27. What is a GABO HEAD?
    The part that sits atop a C-stand and grips equipment.
  28. What do FLAGS do?
    They block light and create shadows.
  29. What are the 3 factors of softness?
    • 1- Size
    • 2- Distance between light and subject
    • 3- type of diffusion
  30. What is the standard speed of a motion picture?
    1/50 of a second.
  31. What is ILLUMINATION?
    Light falling on a subject.
  32. How do you measure ILLUMINATION?
    Illumination= Intensity(candelas)/distance2
  33. What is BRIGHTNESS ratio?
    Ratio of the brightest significant object to the darkest significant object.
  34. What is LIGHTING ratio?
    Ratio between key and fill; tells contrast.
  35. How many AMPS does a regular household have?
    15-20 AMPS
  36. How many watts can a 60AMP plug draw?
    60A X 100V = 6,000 W
  37. What does the GREEN wire represent?
    The ground wire.
  38. What are the formula relationships between Watts, Amps, and Volts?
    • A= W/V
    • W= AV
    • V= W/A
  39. What does the FILL light do?
    Sets the mood and amount of contrast.
  40. What effect does a longer wire have on voltage?
    It makes less voltage.
  41. How many kwhrs comes from running four 2k lights for 8hrs?
    4X2X8= 64kwhrs
  42. What kinds of power do HMI, halogen, and fluorescent bulbs run on?
    • HMI- AC
    • Halogen- AC & DC
    • Fluorescent- DC
  43. What is the scale characteristic of fluorescent light?
    It's non-continuous.
  44. What is a Color Compensating (CC) filter?
    It transmits or absorbs specific wavelengths of light.

    • CCR40= .05-.10 is low density
    • CCM30= .2-.3 is medium density
    • CCY10= .4-.5 is high density
  45. What are the families of gels?
    • CTO- Color Temperature Orange
    • CTB- Color Temperature Blue
  46. What temperatures are Tungsten and Daylight balanced to?
    • T- 3200K
    • D- 5600K
  47. What is broad key lighting?
    Where the key is near the camera.
  48. What is narrow key lighting?
    Where the fill side is towards the camera.
  49. What is the ratio is the exposure is 300FC?
    3:1 because the 300 means the key has 200 and the fill has 100 and the formula is (k+f)/f. and (2+1)/1= 3/1
  50. What are the four elements of lighting continuity?
    • Quality
    • Quantity
    • Mood
    • Direction
  51. What is LUMINANCE?
    Light that is reflected from an object.
  52. What is the formula for measuring light ratios?
  53. What is high key lighting?
    Low contrast and low drama.
  54. What is low key lighting?
    High contrast and deep shadows.
  55. What is hard light?
    Hard source of light that leaves hard shadows.
  56. What is soft light?
    Light that wraps well.
  57. What are the three wires used in electricity?
    • Hot- black, red, or blue
    • Neutral- white
    • Ground- green
  58. What is latitude?
    The difference between exposure and brightness range.
  59. What is a characteristic curve and what are the parts to it?
    • A graph that illustrates how film emulsion reacts to light.
    • Dmin
    • Dman
    • Straight Line (18% grey in middle)
    • Shoulder
    • Toe
Card Set
Lighting Notes
misc lighting