Microbiology Pathogens

  1. Staphylococcus aureus
    • Gram-positive cocci
    • causes wide variety of diseases. Many people are carriers.
    • causes flesh eating disease. (necrotising fasciitis)
  2. Streptococcus mutants
    • Gram-Positive cocci
    • causes tooth decay, part of the "strep viridans group"
  3. Streptococcus pneumoniae
    • Gram-Positive Cocci
    • causes pneumonia, ear infections
    • causes more deaths than any other vaccine-preventable disease. They are preventable by a vaccine can cause pneumonia and childhood ear infections.(can be life treating) has a capsule if you make a strain without a capsule then it is unable to cause disease.
  4. Streptococcus pyogenes
    • Gram-positve cocci
    • (GAS) scarlet fever,rheumatic fever, septicemia,tonsillitis, necrotising fasciitis
    • causes pharyngitis, also known as “strep throat”
    • G.A.S= Group A Strep = can cause scarlet fever(upper respiratory and you get rash)
    • can lead to rheumatic fever. M protein is similar to a particular protein in cardiac muscle. Can also cause flesh eating diseases like necrotising fasciitis
    • Lancefield grouping
  5. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
    • Gram-positive rods
    • diphtheria, exotoxin from infecting phage/ it was treated with horse serium
    • creates pseudomembrane, which can block trachea.
  6. Listeria Monocytogenes
    • Gram -positive rod
    • causes meningioencephalitis (listeriosis)
    • stillbirths and spontaneous abortions
  7. Bacillus anthracis
    • Gram-positive sporeformers
    • they are spore formers and common in soils
    • cutaneous- painless, usually if your around sheep, and common in soils
    • Gastral Intestinal- get by eating contaminated meat
    • Pulmonary- w/o treatment it is 95% fatal. Difficult to diagnose and hard to treat, you get the disease because of the toxin the bacteria makes.
  8. Clostridium botulinium
    • Gram Positive sporeformer
    • forms terminal endospores. causes botulism. These spores make toxin= Botulism neurotoxin
    • 3 forms
    • 1. wound
    • 2. food poisoning
    • 3. floppy baby syndrome( flaccid paralysis)

  9. clostridium perfringens
    • Gram-positive sporeformer
    • causes gas gangrene
    • it is a strict anaerobe/most common in nursing homes.
  10. clostridium tentani
    • Gram positive sporeformer
    • causes tetanus(spastic paralysis)
    • toxin=tetanus neurotoxin
  11. Neisseria gonorrhea
    • Gram-negative cocci
    • causes gonorrhea, neonatal blindness, and arthritis
  12. Neisseria meningitidis
    • Gram-negative cocci
    • non sexual contact. Happens to people who are in college dorms. people infected are at risk for gas gangrene.
  13. Bacteroides spp.
    • Gram-negative rods
    • normal intestinal microflora, necessary for the normal mouse gut vasculature
  14. bordetella pertussis
    • Gram-negative rods
    • causes whooping cough, peaks at prodromal stage
  15. Echerichia coli
    • Gram-negative rods
    • normal enteric flora,severe diarrhea(from strain O157:H7)
  16. haemophilus influenzae
    • Gram-negative rods
    • is second invader after respiratory viruses causes pneumonia
  17. proteus spp.
    • Gram-negative rods
    • gastroenteritis, common in catheter patients.
    • commonly causes nosocomial gastroenteritis and urinary tract infections.
    • grows in Swarming motility- regulated by quorum sensing. they sense that there is no nutrients in the spot they are inoculated and they grow flagella and move to a spot where there is food. and then they leave their flagella. causing a rippling effect.
  18. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • Gram-negative rods/ Opportunistic
    • you get it most likely following medical implants , burns and cystic fibrosis
  19. Salmonella enterica
    • Gram-negative rod
    • food poisoning
    • typhoid fever( S.enterica serovar typhi), septecimia
    • binduce their own phagocytosis by manipulating the human cytoskeleton from outside the human cell. 50% off chicken eggs have salmonella. Gets into GI tract causes diarrhea. It can also cause Typhoid fever-
    • FECAL COLIFORM = G-, lactose fermenting rods from GI tract.

  20. serratia marcescens
    • Gram negative rods
    • red pigment, recent AB-resistant opportunistic pathogen
  21. Shigella spp
    • Gram-negative rods
    • bacillary dysentary
  22. Yersinia Pestes
    • Gram-negative rods
    • known as black plague. wild rodents carry it
    • bubonic-spread through fleas and rodents, which then infect humans. 50% fatal if untreated. cannot directly person to person. only by fleas. progresses to pneomonic plague.

    • Pneomonic plague- can spread person to person. it is 100% fatal. you get bacterial all over your body.
    • DIC= Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation- ectopic blood clots. which block blood vessels.
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Microbiology Pathogens
the final list of viruses :(