the respiratory system

  1. main facts and functions of the resp system?
    • carrys air to lungs
    • adds oxygen to blood
    • removes carbondioxide
    • maintains acid/base (ph) balance in the blood
    • provides vocalization
    • it assits in regulating body temp
  2. list the 6 main organs ans structures of the resp system
    • nose and nasal cavity
    • pharynx
    • larynx
    • trachea
    • bronchi
    • lungs
  3. what are the 2 accesory structures in the resp system?
    • thorax (chest cavity)
    • diaphragm
  4. main function of the nose and nasal cavity
    provide external entrence for air into the respiratory system and the exit for carbon dioxide
  5. main function of pharynx (throat)
    passageway for air and food
  6. main function of layrnx (voicebox)
    • main roll creates sound
    • air passing through the epiglottis during expiration causes virbations of the vocal cords which produces sound
  7. main functions of the trachea (windpipe)
    • long tube formed of smooth muscle and lined with mucous membrane
    • held open with cartialginious c shaped rings embedded in muscle tissue
    • provides a passageway of air to lungs
  8. main facts on bronchi
    two primary bronchi right and left which branch of trachea and into lungs
  9. main functions of the lungs
    • primary structures for resp system
    • cone shaped comprised of 300 tiny air sacs called alveoli
    • alveoli cause lungs to be sponge like and porous
    • lungs are encased in serous membranes called the visceral pleura
    • slides easily against the parietal pleura so there is little firction between organs during respiration
    • lungs are elastic
  10. functions of thorax
    • divided into three parts
    • right pleurl cavity
    • left pleural cavity 
    • mediastinum
    • thorax is lined with pariental pleura
    • the membrane provides lubrication for the surfaces of organs during respiration
  11. main functions of diaphragm
    • dome shaped muscle that seperates thoratic and abdominal cavitys
    • attatched to lumbar vertebra, lower ribs and sternum
    • chief muscle for respiration
  12. what is the process of respiration?
    • inspiration
    • experation
    • rest
Card Set
the respiratory system
midterm prep