Nutrition 506 Final Exam

  1. An individual's ability to cope with daily events and deal with personal feelings in a positive, optimistic, and constructive way is known as ________ wellness.

    A) emotional
  2. Which of the following is an indicator of improved metabolic fitness?

    D) decreased BP
  3. Which of the following is currently the #1 cause of death?

    A) heart disease
  4. The three priority healthy lifestyles are regular physical activity, sound nutrition, and:

    B) stress management
  5. Flexibility refers to:

    B) range of motion around a joint
  6. T/F: Health and wellness are the same term.
  7. T/F: Obesity is a hypokinetic condition.
  8. According to Prochaska's "Stages of Change" model individuals in the preparation stage would say which of the following?

    B) i am getting ready to make a change
  9. When an individual, in meeting health goals, takes small steps that allow success, he or she is employing what self-management skill?

    D) building self-confidence and motivation
  10. Learning to cope with problems such as lack of facilities or inadequate equipment is known as:

    D) overcoming barriers
  11. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the "Stages of Change" model?

    C) it can be applied to positive and negative lifestyle behaviors
  12. Which type of factor helps an individual move from action to maintenance?

    D) reinforcing
  13. T/F: People with a lower socioeconomic status exercise more.
  14. Subjective well-being is also known as:

    D) happiness
  15. The difference between psychosocial health and mental health is that psychosocial health:

    D) is a broader concept
  16. The characteristics that describe a person's ability to bounce back in times of difficulty or threats in a healthy person is known as:

    C) resiliency
  17. Which of the following is NOT one of the four aspects of psychosocial health?

    B) physical health
  18. _______ needs are considered the most basic and form the foundation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    b) security
    C) safety
  19. Psychosocial health is based, in part, on our life experiences as well as how we perceive life experiences. All of the following are considered internal factors that affect psychosocial health except:

    C) social support
  20. T/F: Personality traits can enhance or decrease psychosocial health. Introversion is a personality trait that increases psychosocial health.
  21. Which of the following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?

    C) a fit heart is able to hangle any extra demands placed upon it
  22. What is the link between breast cancer and sedentary living?

    C) exercise decreases the amount of breast tissue exposure to estrogen
  23. Activity can reduce the risk of colon cancer because it:

    D) speeds movement of food through the digestive system
  24. Which of the following is TRUE of activity and osteoporosis?

    A) activity slows the decline in bone mass normally seen with aging
  25. What is compression?

    A) shortening the total number of years that illnesses or disabilities occur
  26. Which of the following are considered forms of CVD?

    B) all
  27. T/F: As the intensity and frequency of physical activity increases, immune function also increases in a linear fashion.
  28. T/F: Regular physical activity promotes insulin sensitivity
  29. If there is doubt about an individual's readiness for PA, what is recommended?

    D) have the individual get a medical exam and clinical exercise test to be certain he/she is ready to participate
  30. What components of fitness should be emphasized in a warm-up?

    B) CV and flexibility
  31. Which of the following is a primary benefit of the CV cool down?

    D) minimize blood pooling
  32. Physical activity in hot and humid environments challenges the body because:

    A) it produces large amounts of heat that must be regulated
  33. What 2 components comprise the wind-chill factor?

    C) wind speed and temperature
  34. Delayed onset muscle soreness is due to:

    A) microscopic muscle tears
  35. T/F: At the conclusion of an exercise program, a PAR-Q should be assessed to evaluate the program's effectiveness.
  36. Marjorie designed her running program to gradually increase her mileage each week. Which principle of PA does this represent?

    C) progression
  37. Maddie has been regularly performing the same exercise routine for 5 years. She has reached a plataeu in her fitness level. Based on the principles of PA, what is the best explanation for this?

    A) Maddie needs to provide additional overload to gain further benefits
  38. What is an important guideline to consider when using the PA pyramid?

    D) no single activity provides all of the benefits
  39. How does PA relate with health?

    D) the greatest decline on risk occurs with small amounts of activity
  40. Children are recommended to participate in PA at least:

    D) 60 min/day
  41. T/F: Lifestyle activities include brisk jogging or cycling
  42. A daily step count of 10,000 is:

    B) too rigorous a standard for sedentary people
  43. Wht are lifestyle activities placed at the bottom of the PA pyramid?
    a) most people can understand what they are
    b) there are a greater number of lifestyle activities vs. aerobic-type activities
    c) most people can easily perform them
    d) few people participate in these activities
  44. In his famous epidemiological study, Dr. Jeremy Morris compared the mortality rates of:

    B) bus conductors vs. drivers
  45. Estimate the kcalories from 1 hour of broomball (7 METS) for an individual who weighs 120lbs

    B) 382 cal (120lbs/2.2= 54kg, 54kg x 7= 382 cal)
  46. T/F: To meet current recommendations, daily PA must be done in one session
    b) false
  47. FOB: ________ ________ is a self-rating system in which a person quantifies the amount of time s/he considers him/herself in good or better than good health
    self assessment
  48. FOB: ____ factors are skills that help you carry out your healthy lifestyle plan
  49. According to Prochaska and his transtheoretical model, the ______ stage is associated with inidividuals who are not considering making any lifestyle change.
  50. SeDs stands for ____ ______ _______
    sedentary death syndrome
  51. PAR-Q stands for ______ ______ _______ _______
    Physical assessment readiness questionnaire
  52. Insulin _____ is a condition that occurs when insulin becomes ineffective or less effective regulating the glucose uptake by the body's cells
  53. The four main themes of _______ health inclue interconnectidness, mindfulness, community, and everyday life.
  54. The principle of __________ _________ specifies that the more benefits you gain as a result of activity, the harder additional benefits are to achieve.
    diminished returns
  55. the _____ _________ describes aspects of human's created physical surrounding (ie. roads, sidewalks, etc) that is theorized to impact our level of PA
    built environment
  56. define wellness
    the integration of components (PISSE) that expand one's potential to live and work effectively and to make a significant contribution to society. is a + component of good health
  57. define hyopkinetic
    not enough movement; assoc. with a sedentary lifestyle
  58. define metabolic syndrome
    poor metabolic fitness; increased risk of CVD, high BP, obesity, etc
  59. define self-efficacy
    considence that you can perform a specific task
  60. define FITT
    • FITT= frequency, intensity, time, type
    • -important variables for applying the overload principle
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Nutrition 506 Final Exam
NUTR 506