Ch 11

  1. A nonassertive response style in which the communicator submits to a situation rather than attempts to have his or her needs met
  2. A stage of relational development immediately prior to terminating in which the parties minimize contact with one another
  3. A stage of relational development that seeks win-win solutions to a conflict.
  4. A win-lose approach to conflicts that seeks to resolve them in one's own way.
  5. A relational conflict style in which partners use different but mutually reinforcing behaviors
    Complementary conflict style
  6. an approach to conflict resolution in which both parties attani at least part of what they wanted through self-sacrifice
  7. An expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce rewards, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals.
  8. An unacknowledged repeating pattern of interlocking behavior used by participants in a conflict.
    Conflict ritual
  9. Types of passive aggression
    Crazy makers
  10. A criticism or demand that threatens the face of the person at whom it is directed.
    Direct aggression
  11. an approach to conflict resolution in which neither side achieves its goals
    Lose-lose problem solving
  12. A relational conflict style in which the approach of the partners varies from one situation to another.
    Parallel conflict style
  13. An indirect expression of aggression, delivered in a way that allows the sender to maintain a facade of kindness.
    Passive aggression
  14. A pattern of managing disagreements that repeats itself over time in a relationship
    Relational conflict style
  15. A relational conflict style in which both partners use the same tacticts
    symmetrical conflict style
  16. An approach to conflict resolution in which one party reaches its goal at the expense of the other
    Win-lose problem solving
  17. An approach to conflict resolution in which the parties work together to satisfy all their goals
    Win-Win problem solving
  18. name the five things that make up conflict:
    • Expressed struggle
    • Perceived incompatible goals
    • Perceived scarce resources
    • Interdependence
    • Interference from the other party
  19. name the 5 conflict styles
    • Avoiding
    • Accommodating
    • Collaborating
    • Compromising
    • Competing
  20. there are 12 types of crazymakers
    • Avoider
    • Pseudoaccommodator
    • Mind reader
    • Guiltmaker
    • Trapper
    • Crisis tickler
    • Gunnysacker
    • Trivial Tyrranizer
    • Beltliner
    • Joker
    • Withholder
    • Benedict Arnold
  21. Constructive Conflict skills include
    • Indentify problem & unmet needs,
    • Make a date
    • describe problem & needs,
    • Consider partner's Point of View
    • Negotiate a solution
    • Follow up with solution
Card Set
Ch 11
COM 110