mgmt test #2; section #5

  1. organizational design
    management process by which managers select and manage various dimensions of the organization's structure and culture so that the organization can achieve its goals
  2. organizational structure
    formal system of task reporting and relationships that controls, coordinates and motivates employees to work together to achieve goals
  3. departmentalization
    subdividing an organization into smaller subunits (functional, product, place, customer)
  4. authority
    power a person has
  5. functional organization
    departmentalization around specialized activities such as production, marketing and human resources (economies of scale realized, effective monitoring of enviro, performance standards maintained, communication is clear)
  6. matrix
    combination of divisional and functional (complicated, confusion, conflict, harder to train, power dominance by one side but increase cooperation, skills, efficient use of resources, flexible
  7. differentiation
    each functions works within its function/group
  8. integration
    different functions work with each otehr
  9. delegation
    the assignment of new or additional responsibilities to subordinate (responsibility- task and accountability-expectation); allows managers to accomplish more than they could on their own
  10. effective delegation
    • 1. define the goal successfully
    • 2. select the person for the task
    • 3. solicit the subordinate the authority, time resources to perform assignment
    • 4. schedule checkpoints for reviewing process
    • 5. follow through
  11. Organizational agility
    organizational structure are put in place control people, decisions, actions; firms ability to adapt; NEED TO SURVIVE
  12. strategic alliances
    formal relationship among independent organizations with the purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals (share authority, links)
  13. learning organization
    look at discipline, search for new knowledge, review successes/failures, benchmark, share ideas
  14. high-involvement organization
    top management ensures that there is consensus about the direction which the business is head- requires a flat, decentralized structure built around a customer, good or service
  15. small organizations
    more organic
  16. large organizations
    less organic, harder to control, more bureaucratic
  17. mechanistic organization
    form of organization that seeks to maximize internal efficiency based on bureaucratic organization; relatively inflexible
  18. Organic Organization
    flexible, employees have broader responsibilities that change as the need arises, communication occurs through advice and information rather than through orders and instructions, employees depend on more another more, rely more on judgments than rules
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mgmt test #2; section #5
mgmt test #2; section #5