Psych 139 extras

  1. Easy child
    Eagerly approaches new situations, is adaptive, and generally experiences a positive mood.
  2. Difficult child
    tend to withdraw rather than approach new situations, are typically low in adaptability, and are often intense and in a negative mood.
  3. Slow to warm up child
    similar to the inhibited children described
  4. Eysenck and his
    theory of the structure of personality
    • from specific response level
    • to habitual response, to a trait, to super-trait.
  5. Neuroticism
    • extent of emotional
    • stability-instability
  6. Temperament
    • means a broad disposition toward certain types of behavior
    • -General
    • patterns of mood and behavior that can be seen in newborns, suggesting
    • heritability.
  7. The Goodness-of-Fit model:
    • The challenge we as social
    • agents face to identify that temperament a child brings to situation, and
    • pattern our behavior to accommodate (“fit”) it.
  8. Cerebral
    asymmetry has been observed in infants
  9. "Third force" what were the other two?
    Free will, and human dignity.
  10. Fully functional people (Rogers)
    Live life as it comes, are open about their thoughts, and trust their feelings. Experience feelings more intensely than others.
  11. Conditional Positive Regard (Rogers)
    why it is difficult to accept certain information into our self-concept. We know that we will be accepted and loved no matter what we do.
  12. Defieciency needs
    D needs
  13. Maslow "creativity'
  14. Peak Experience
    time and place are transcended, people lose their anxieties and experience a unity of self with the universe.
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Psych 139 extras
Psych 139 Extras