Nutrition Final 4

  1. What are based on caloric intake ? (3个)
    B1, B2, and B3 requirements
  2. What vitamins that are unsatble in alkali and light?
    B1, B2, and Vit C
  3. Food Sources of Riboflavin (B2)
    Milk & Dietary
  4. Deficiency of Riboflavin (B2) (两个)
    • 1.) cracks in the corner of mouth and inflammation of the lips (Cheilosis)唇干裂
    • 2.) tougue becomes smooth and changes color (Glossitis)舌炎
  5. Deficiency of B2 & B3 = SKIN CHANGES  especially around the mouth, neck, and hands
    • B2: cracks in the corners of mouth and inflation of the lips (Cheilosis)
    • B3: Dermatitis 皮炎
  6. Tryptophan/ Niacin (B3) Relationship ? (两个)
    1.) Tryptophan is the precursor of Niacin

    2.) B1,B2,and B6 are needed to make coversion
  7. 2/3 nacin absorbed comes from _______
  8. Food Sources of Niacin (Tryptophan 转换 Niacin)
    Milk & eggs are high in tryptophan but low in niacin
  9. Deficiency of Niacin (B3)
  10. 1-2g niacin 3x/day may ↓
    blood cholesterol level (胆固醇)
  11. Vitamins (5个)that are involved energy metabolism of protein, carb, and fat
    B1,B2,B3,B5, and Biotin
  12. __________ and ________ is exchanged via the placenta 胎盘
    nourishment (营养) and waste is exchanged via (通过) the placenta (胎盘) ------(营养和废物通过胎盘交换)
  13. Low birth weight ≤ _______lbs.
          5.5      lbs.
  14. Low birth weight is most common among teenagers because ________________
    They are at risk for impaired physical development
  15. __________lbs. would gained during pregnancy
        25-35    lbs
  16. Pregnant women absorb nutrients More efficiently due to
    ↓ gastric & Intestinal motility (↓胃和肠道蠕动)
  17. ↑ Alcohol = ↑ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome = ______ +__________ retardation
    mental + physical retardation
  18. Nutrient demands during _________ are greater than during ________   (2 stages)
    Lactation   >    Pregnancy
  19. Advantages of Breast feeding (3个)
    • 1.) ↓ protein content in human milk in comparsion to cow's milk, which ↓ renal (kidney) solute load. (蛋白质含量在人乳中的比牛奶的低,↓肾溶质负荷)
    • 2.) the lipases in human milk are superior
    • 3.) ↓ risk of breast cancer for the mom
  20. Formula feeding
    100 % complete, but has no immunoglobulin content 免疫球蛋白含量(No Colostrum无初乳)
  21. Introduction to solid foods to infant between ____  -  ___ months
    4 - 6 months
  22. Children between 1-5 years may eat ___ - ___ times / day
    5 - 7 times per day
  23. Children tend to grow in spurts (成长) so their appetite is ____
  24. Height/ Weight Charts     25wt 95 ht or 25ht 95wt 
    1.) 50th% ht. & 50th% wt. is _______ 
    2.) 90th% ht. &  10th% wt. is________
    3.) 10th% ht. &  90th% wt. is________
    4.) 10th% ht. &  10th% wt. is________
    5.) 90th% ht. &  90th% wt. is________
    • 1.) Normal
    • 2.) Tall, uderweight child
    • 3.) Short, overweight child
    • 4.) Possible failure to thrive (茁壮)
    • 5.) Big but proportinal child
  25. If kcal intake > kcal output during Childhood, Then   #   fat cell ↑

    If kcal intake > kcal output during Adulthood, Then  Size   fat cell ↑
  26. Excessive exercise + very low fat diets in adolescence girls = ______________________
    estrogen level (雌激素水平) which ↓ bone mass
  27. Advantages of breakfast (3个)
    • ↑ Academic performance
    • ↑ Problem- solving abilities
    • ↑ BMR
  28. BMR begins to with age at 25 years old (Adulthood)

    Adult must _________________________________ (3个) to compensate and prevent disease.
    • ↑exercise
    • ↓food intake
    • eat quality foods
  29. avoid obesity, but about ____% above healthy weight is recommended.
  30. factors affecting food intake ( nutrient use is determined by _______, ______, _______, _____, and ______ )  (5个)
    • physical
    • social
    • physiological
    • psychological
    • economic factors
  31. During adulthood GI tract slowns down  will ↓_________
    ↓taste buds (味蕾) 就是味觉感受器
  32. elderly may become  malnurished due to _________  (5个)

    • lonliness
    • anxiety
    • ↓ cooking or eating
    • ↓ secretion of digesting enzymnes
    • ↓ money
  33. 2000 kcal intake, 3000 kcal output =

    2000 kcal intake, 1500 kcal output =
    1.) negative energy balance

    2.) positive energy balance
  34. Intervation Programs (2个)

    differences between these two
    1.) Meal On Wheels --(hot meal deliver to the home 3-7days/week)

    2.)Congregate Meals Program --(provide transportation to a center for nutritious meal, socialization, and nutrition education)
  35. Water has greater effects on performance than any other nutrients
  36. Athletes must conscious effort to consume water before, during, and after exercise
  37. Atheletes failure to replace water during exercise can result_________
    • ↓performance
    • nausea (恶心,反胃)
    • heat stroke (中暑)
  38. Example of Aerobic exercise (burn fats) 有氧运动
    2 questions based on this
    Cardio Exercises: running, biking, skating, jumping rope, stepping, hiking.
  39. Salmonella (沙门氏菌) found in _________________
    found in poultry that has been poorly cooked and defrosty incorrectly
  40. Deforsty incorrectly
    dangers temperature zone b/w 40 F- 140 F for more than 2 hours
  41. Botulism(肉毒杆菌中毒)- most likely packaging to be fatal
    avoid bulking can goods
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Nutrition Final 4