Church History

  1. diaspora
    scattering of Jewish people from their homeland
  2. Gentiles
    persons of non-Jewish faith/origin
  3. Paschal Mystery
    Jesus' suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension
  4. Apologist
    Christian thinkers who defended and explained beliefs
  5. canon
    complete list of sacred books of the Bible
  6. heresy
    belief, attitude, teaching that is contrary to the Church's doctrine
  7. Orthodoxy
    "right teaching;" belief, attitude, teaching consistent with the Church's doctrine
  8. Apostolic See
    the papacy; identifying the pope as successor to Peter
  9. Arianism
    heresy denying that Jesus is truly God
  10. ecumenical council
    meeting in which all bishops of the world are invited to exercise their authority in union with the pope to address Church concerns
  11. Fathers of the Church
    early Church leaders whose teachings collectively helped formulate Christian doctrine
  12. Pontifex Maximus
    "greatest bridge builder;" title for emperors and later popes
  13. celibacy
    "state if condition of those who have chosen to remain unmarried to give themselves entirely to serving God"
  14. grace
    free and undeserved gift; our participation in the life of God
  15. patriarch
    Christian bishop of early Church in certain major cities of the Roman Empire
  16. liturgical calendar
    seasons and feasts of Church year that mark events in lives of Christ, Mary, and the saints
  17. conclave
    meeting of cardinals to elect a pope
  18. simony
    payment of money to be appointed to Church office
  19. lay investiture
    practice of lay persons (kings) appointing bishops, priests, abbots, and abbesses
  20. filioque
    Latin for "and from the Son;" led to Great Western Schism
  21. anti-pope
    false pope
  22. conciliarism
    belief that Church councils have greater authority than the pope
  23. mysticism
    knowledge of God through an intense experience
  24. papal bull
    formal decree by pope sealed with round leaden seal
  25. Diet of Worms
    meetin of leadership of the Holy Roman Empire during which Luther refused to defend his beliefs
  26. indulgences
    remission of temporal punishment resulting from sin for onself and for souls in purgatory
  27. justification of faith
    God's gracious act of rendering sinful humans to be holy and endowed with grace
  28. ninety-five theses
    posted on Oct. 31, 1517; Luther's statement of principles regarding penance and abuse of indulgences
  29. reformation
    series of political/religious events beginning in sixteenth century that resulted in division of Western Christianity into seperate communities
  30. rationalism
    theory that nothing is true unless founded on scientifically demonstrable proofs based solely on reason and five senses
  31. Council of Jerusalem (50AD)
    first council; called to resolve issues w/ Gentiles becoming Jewish
  32. Council of Nicaea (325AD)
    condemned Arianism; formed Nicene Creed
  33. Council of Constance (1415AD)
    ended Great Western Schism
  34. Council of Trent (1545AD)
    priestly reform/guidelines; clarifying Church teachings w/ Catechism
  35. "Babylonian Captivity"
    period in which the pope resided in Avignon in Kingdom of Naples
  36. Hellenization
    spread of Greek culture that began during the time of Alexander the Great
  37. Pentecost
    50th day after Easter; Holy Spirit came to Jesus' followers and helped institute the Church
  38. Acts of the Apostles
    book of NT telling story of early Christian community beginning with Pentecost
  39. Roman Persecutions
    time of extreme persecution and intolerance against Christians in Rome (began w/ Nero blaming them for fire in Rome)
  40. leadership roles
    assigned in Acts of the Apostles; give Apostles responsibilities to carry out the Church
  41. Edict of Milan
    declaration issued by Constantine in 313AD allowing religious freedom in Roman Empire
  42. Fall of Rome
    occurred in 476AD
  43. Monasticism
    emphasis on monastic life and seclusion (monks)
  44. conversion of Europe
    missionaries brought Christianity to Europe
  45. Crowning of Charlemagne
    crowned Holy Roman Emperor Pope Leo III in 800
  46. feudalism
    hierarchical society based on wealth and land in Middle Ages; adopted after Christendom crumbled
  47. Cluny Reform
    initiated by French monastary in 910AD; simple living with an emphasis on prayer and self-relience
  48. Great Western Schism
    period from 1378-1417 when two/three people claimed papacy
  49. Black Death
    began in Asia/spread through trade routes from Constantinope by fleas and rats; bubonic plague that turned body parts black from lack of blood
  50. rise of nationalism
    sense of pride and self-worth for one's country
  51. Luther's beliefs:
    Scripture alone, grace alone, spirit alone, faith alone
  52. Catholic Reformation
    began with Council of Trent in 1545AD; first Catechism helped clarify ideals
  53. Enlightenment
    17th century movement based solely on reason; Descartes: "I think, therefore, I am;" goal to question everything and accept only rational things
  54. Jews of Diaspora
    didn't live in Israel
  55. Visigoths
    first to overtake Rome in 400s
  56. common language of Church in East
    common language of Church in West
    • Greek
    • Latin
  57. hijrah
    first year in Muslim calendar
  58. Battle of Tours
    led by Charles Martel; prevented Islam from controlling Europe
  59. early Church missionaries
    Boniface, Gregory, Patrick, Wenceslaus, Bridget
  60. accomplishments of Charlemagne
    established many schools; promoted use of Latin throughout Western Church
  61. Christendom
    Europe united civilly and spiritually under Pope and Holy Roman Emperor
  62. Scholasticism
    using reason/philosophy to explain Christian teachings
  63. Unam Sanctum
    papal bull issued by Boniface VIII that expressed sole authority of the pope
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Church History