Exam 2

  1. anti-microbial substances promote cytolysis, phagocytosis and inflammation
    complement proteins
  2. most important in forcing blood flow through veins
    muscular activity
  3. B cell receptors, the light/heavy variable regions are located
    there is no variable region on a B cell receptor
  4. when an artery or arteriole is damaged, its smooth muscle contracts producing
    vascular spasm
  5. Capillaries are also known as
    exchange vessels
  6. not found in arteries but is found in veins
  7. self-responsive cell that is inactive
    anergy cells
  8. volume of blood that flows through any tissue in a given time period
    blood flow
  9. blood vessel that distributes blood to organs
  10. this depends mostly on the ratio of RBC to plasma volume
    blood viscosity
  11. the most variable cell in the immune system
  12. would not increase blood pressure
    decreased cardiac output
  13. does not provide a physical or chemical barrier
  14. blood vessel that conveys blood from the tissues back to the heart
  15. When B and T cells are fully developed and mature, they are known to be
  16. which artery wall is responsible for vasoconstriction
    tunica media
  17. Lack of resistance is also known as
  18. pressure driven movement of fluids and solutes from blood into interstitial fluid is called
  19. alternate route of blood flow to a body part through an anastomosis is called
    collateral circulation
  20. these vessels make up the largest blood reservoir
    veins and venules
  21. type of shock is due to decreased blood volume
  22. part of the body's second line of defense
  23. this can only become activated when bound to a foreign antigen and simultaneously receiving a costimulate
    T cells
  24. not a sign of inflammation
    mucus production
  25. natural exposure to an infectious agent leads to
    active immunity
  26. small hormone that can stimulate or inhabit many normal cell function
  27. most important capillary exchange method
  28. primary response will peak how many days after an exposure
  29. vessels supplies blood to the intestines
    mesenteric artery
  30. type of immunity defends against any type of invader
  31. pulse cannot be felt
  32. largest factor that promotes reabsorption of fluids, into blood, from the interstitial fluids is
    blood colloid osmotic pressure
  33. cardiovascular center is located
    medulla oblongata
  34. produces the hormone that promotes maturation of T cells
  35. Not considered an organ of immune system
  36. vessels supplies blood to the kidney
    renal artery
  37. class of ells include macrophages, b cells, and dendric cells
    antigen presenting cells
  38. lymphocytes can recognize
    foreign cells
  39. T Cells secrete this toxin that is used to fragment DNA
  40. Blood flow depends on which of the following
    blood pressure and systemic vascular pressure
  41. not a function of the lymphatic and immune system
    maintaining water homeostasis in the body
  42. all the veins of the systemic circulation drain into the
    superior and inferior vena cava and coronary sinus
  43. an acute allergic response can lead to
    anaphylactic shock
  44. in fetal circulation what is the opening between the right and left atria called
    foramen ovale
  45. ability of an antigen to react specifically with the antibodies or cells it has provoked
  46. skeletal muscle and respiratory pumps are used in
    lymphatic, immune and cardiovascular
  47. class of antibodies mainly found in sweat, tears, breast milk, and GI secretions
  48. class of antibodies indicates a most recent invasion
  49. Layer of the artery is composed mainly of elastic and collagen fibers
    tunica externa
  50. vessel plays a key role in regulating blood flow into capillaries
  51. what hormone would not cause an increase in blood pressure
    atrial natriuretic peptide
  52. induces production of a specific antibody
  53. these anti-microbial substances will diffuse to uninfected cells and reduce production
  54. below vessels drains blood from the head and neck
    jugular vein
  55. characterized by the inability of the immune system to protect the body from a pathogen
    immunodeficiency diseases
  56. pulse point at the wrist
    radial artery
  57. can only stimulate an immune response if attached to a large carrier molecule
  58. major difference between lymph and interstitial fluid
  59. elastic arteries function
    pressure resevoir
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Exam 2