
  1. What is the main determinant of denture tooth position?
    Functional anatomy
  2. How do we minimize inclined tipping forces?
    With incisal guidance (within the confines of esthetics and phonetics)
  3. Features in a fully balanced anatomic occlusion set
    30 degree posteriors
  4. Non-balanced monoplane occlusion sets
    • Monline zero degree posteriors
    • Hardy Cutters V-O posteriors
    • Rational zero degree posteriors
    • ***none of these have ramps***
  5. Balanced monoplane occlusion
    • These all have ramps
    • Monoline zero degree posteriors
    • Rational zero degree posteriors
    • Hardy cutters V-O posteriors
  6. Zero degree posteriors with Curvilinear balanced arrangement
    • hardy cutters V-O posteriors
    • Rational Zero degree posteriors
    • ***Can't use hardy cutters, they're already monoplane and non-curvilinear
    • ***Curvilinear arrangements maintains tooth-tooth balance on the balancing side and working side
  7. How do patients deal with balanced and non-balanced sets?
    • 1)no patient preference
    • 2) balanced is slightly more efficient
    • 3) Percentage of patients using eccentric movements during mastication is small
  8. What is the relationship between ridge resorption and cuspal inclination?
    The flatter the ridge, the more cusp inclination should decrease
  9. Balanced Semi-anatomic occlusion sets
    Anatoline 10 degree posteriors
  10. Where is the least resistant tissue on the ridge?
    • Just above the mylohyoid ridge
    • Lateral to the tongue, lingual to the ridge
    • keratinized tissue is not very good
    • **Flatter cuspal inclination will help this
  11. How to we reduce the resorption on the mandibular ridges?
    • Lingualized occlusion
    • These have milled mandibular posteriors (flatter inclines) and 30 degree maxillary lingual cusps
    • The goal is to not have any buccal contacts to reduce lateral forces against the ridges
  12. What happens on the working side of ortholingual sets?
    There is no contact on the buccal cusps, but they do exist on the lingual cusps
  13. What are the indications for lingualized occlusion?
    • Severe mandibular ridge atrophy
    • Displaceable supporting tissues
    • malocclusion
    • Previous successful setup had lingualized occlusion
  14. What are the advantages of lingualized occlusion?
    • Good esthetics
    • Freedom like non-anatomic teeth
    • Bilateral balance
    • Centralized vertical forces
    • Bolus penetration
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Dentures lecture 8