T&T exam questions

  1. The psychosocial perspective is not at all compatible with the psychosexual view of development
  2. Children who do not experience the opportunity to differenitiate self fromothers may later develop a narcissistic personality disorder
  3. The contemporary trends in psychoanalytic theory are reflected in object-relations theroy, the self psychology model, and the relational model
  4. Brief psychodynamic therapists assume a neutral therapeutic stance as a way to promote transference
  5. Analytic therapy is oriented towards acheiving insight
  6. Working through is achieved almost totally by catharsis, including getting out deeply buried emotions
  7. From the Freudian perspective, resistance is typically a conscious process
  8. The approach of Erikson is known as object relations theory
  9. Object relations theroists focus on symbiosis, separation, differentiation, and integration
  10. In object relations theroy there is an emphasis on early development as a decisive factor influencing later development
  11. Who of the following is not considered an object relations theoriest

    D. Erik Erikson
  12. Which of the following is not considered a contemporary psychoanalytic approach:

    A. Classical psychoanalysis
  13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the newer psychoanalytic thinking

    E. people are classified as compliant, aggressive, or detached types
  14. All of the following are concepts developed by Carl Jung except

    A. normal infantile autism
  15. According to Erikson's psychosocial view, the struggle between industry and infereiority occurs during
    a. adolescence
    b. old age
    c school age
    d infancy
    e middle age
    c school age
  16. Erikson's preschool age phase corresponds to which Freudian stage
    a. oral
    b anal
    c phallic
    d latency
    e genital
    c phallic
  17. Which term refers to the repetition of interpretations and the overcoming of resistance so that clients can resolve neurotic patterns

    A working through
  18. Analysis of transference is central to psychoanalysis because it 

    D allows clients to relive their past and to gain instight
  19. In brief psychodynamic therapy (BPT) the therapist

    C assumes an active role in quickly formulating a therapeutic focus that goes beyond hte surface of presenting problmes
  20. With respect to applying the psychoanalytica approach to group counseling which statements are true:

    E all of the above
  21. borderline and narcisisistic disorders have been given attention by
    a traditional psychoanalysis
    b Jungian therapy
    c object relations theory
    d Erkson's developmental approach
    e none of the above
    c. object relations theroy
  22. During psychoanalytic treatment, clients are typically asked

    C not to make radical changes in their lifestyle
  23. Countertransferrence refers to 

    C the irrational reactions therapists have towards their clients
  24. "maintaining the analytic framework' refers to

    E all of the above
  25. In psychoanalytic therapy (as opposed to classical analysis) which of the following procedures is least likely to be used
    a client lying on the couch
    b working with transference feelings
    c relating present struggles with past events
    d working with dreams
    e interpretation of resistance
    a. the client lying on the couch
  26. Adlerian therapy is well suited to a brief or time-limited approach
  27. the concepts and techniques of the Adlerian approach are highly applicable to group counseling
  28. In Adlerian, Striving for superiority is seen as neurotic manifestation
  29. Adler maintains that our style of life is not set until middle age
  30. Adleriean therapy is flexible, and it can be tailored to work with culturally diverse clients
  31. Adlerian counselors do not make interpretations
  32. Adlerians place relatively little importance on the quality of the client-therapist relationship
  33. In Adlerian, Analysis and assessment are a basic part of the counseling process
  34. In Adlerian, Insight is best defined as understanding translated into action
  35. Adlerians believe childhood experiences in themsevles are the decisive factor in shaping personality
  36. According to Adler, childhood experiences

    E in themselves are not as crucial as our attitude toward these experiences
  37. The adlerian point of view toward the role of insight in therapy is best stated in this way

    E emotional insight must precede intellectual insight
  38. Which of the following statemtns is not true as it is applied to Adlerian therapy?

    B the approach is groudned on the medical model
  39. Which of the following comes closest to the therapeutic goal of Adlerians

    D motivation modification
  40. The lifestyle assessment includes information based on

    A all of the above
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T&T exam questions
T&T exam questions