Angiosperms and Plant Response Study Guide

  1. A(n) ______________ is a plant that produces seeds that are enclosed in a fruit.

    C. angiosperm
  2. Two characteristics of an angiosperm are that they produce ___________ and fruit.

    C. flowers
  3. The function of flowers is______________.

    C. reproduction
  4. The ____________ of a plant holds up the flower.

    A. stem
  5. The ____________ is the green leaf-like structure that covers the bud before the flower blooms.

    D. sepal
  6. __________ are the male reproductive part of a flower.

    A. stamens
  7. The ___________, which is part of the stamen, holds the pollen grains and the thin stalk called the filament.

    C. anther
  8. ____________ occurs when pollen travels from the male part of the plant to the stigma.

    D. pollination
  9. After pollination, the sperm and egg cell join together in the flower's ___________.

    A. ovule
  10. The fertilized egg, or ___________, develops into the embryo part of the seed.

    C. zygote
  11. As the seed develops, the __________ changes into the fruit.

    B. ovary
  12. Angiosperms are divided into two major groups.
    moncots and dicots
  13. ___________ are angiosperms that have one cotyledon (one seed leaf), parallel leaf veins, scattered bundles of vascular tissue in the stems, and flower parts in threes.

    E. monocots
  14. ____________ means one seed leaf.

    A. cotyledon
  15. ____________ are angiosperms that have two cotyledons (two seed leaves), branching leaf veins, circle of vascular tissue, and flower parts in four or fives.

    E. dicots
  16. A plant's growth response toward or away from a stimulus is called a ______________.

    A. tropism
  17. Name the three important stimuli to which plants respond.
    • Touch
    • Light
    • Gravity
  18. ________ is a reponse to touch.

    E. thigmotropism
  19. ______________ is a response to light.

    B. phototropism
  20. _______________ is a plants response to gravity.

    E. gravitropism
  21. As a result of gravitropism, roots show a negative response by growing downward.


    Roots show a POSITIVE response by growing downard.
  22. As a result of gravitropism, stems show a negative response by growing upward and away from gravitational pull.

  23. A plant ____________ is a chemical that affects how the plant grows and develops.

    A. hormone
  24. What two things control germination, the formation of flowers, stems, and leaves, the shedding of leaves, and the development and ripening of fruit.

    • tropisms
    • hormones
  25. _____________ is an important plant hormone that speeds up the rate at which a plant's cells grow and controls a plant's response to light.

    E. auxin
  26. Flowering plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season are called _____________.

    B. annuals
  27. Angiosperms that complete their life cycle in two years are called _______________.

    B. biennials
  28. Flowering plants that live more than two years are called ___________.

    A. perennials
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Angiosperms and Plant Response Study Guide
Study Guide for Angiosperms and Plant Response