Geog 210 Exam 1

  1. Pixel
    The basic unit for comparison in an image that is square in shape and arranged in a regular two dimensional grid
  2. Scale
    The ratio/relationship between a distance/area on a map and the distance/area on the ground
  3. Vector
    A GIS layer which stores features as geometric shapes and displays points, lines or polygons 
  4. Raster
    A GIS layer which stores features as an image or array of cells
  5. The term used in remote sensing to describe the offset correction in coordinate space of an image
    Geometric correction
  6. A cylindrical projection can distort maps in what directions?
    North-South or East-West
  7. In GIS, a field that describes the characteristic property of the apparent individual nature of something is a(n)
  8. A GPS constellation of sattelites transmits what to the GPS unit which allows the unit to calculate your position 
    Binary string containing time
  9. In remote sensing, a sensor that sends out a signal and receives the signal back is a(n)
    active digital sensor
  10. The term used to describe a projection which controls for angle and shape is
  11. What is the term used to describe the spherical shape of the Earth's surface that includes the topographic (i.e. mountains, the actual surface) component?
  12. What are the five potential things that can happen when solar energy strikes an object?
    • Scattering
    • Transmission
    • Absorbtion
    • Reflection
    • Emission
  13. Why and how do we use SQL in GIS?
    Structured Quaried Language is a syntax for retrieving and manipulating data in a database. We can use it to manage rational databases by creating charts, adding data and using searches/quaries
  14. What is a relational database?
    A relational database uses one layer's attributes and combines them with another layer's attributes based on a common attribute field of the layer's attributes
  15. What is topology and how is it different from geometry
    Topology is the spacial relationship between two adjacent features, surch as points, lines and nodes. Geometry uses different polygons that are the same shape. 
  16. Erase, Union and Intersect are all common commands in GIS, please diagram and describe what each does in terms of Spatial Information. Additionally describe or diagram in the inmput and output GIS layers.
    • Erase: Creates a new GIS layer by overlaying an input feature.
    • Union: The geometric Intersection of the input feature class with all overlaying feature classes with their attributes
    • Intersect: The geometric intersection of the input feature class with other select feature classes with their attributes

    The attributes either are the same or combined
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Geog 210 Exam 1
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