nur 101

  1. Adult water weight 
  2. ECF
    • extracellular fluid 
    • in veins-arteries-epethelial cells
    • Interstitial
    • Intravascular
    • Transcellular
  3. Functions of body fluid
    • medium for transport
    • needed for cellular metabolism
    • solvent for electrolytes 
    • helps digestion
    • acts as lubricant 
  4. D5 normal solution
  5. Specific gravity of water??
  6. Fluid 
    water that contains dissolved and suspended substances glycose, mineral salts, proteins 
  7. Isotonic
    • 285-315
    • Blood is isotonic
    • goes in vein and stays in isotonic blood 
  8. Fluid concentration 
  9. Normal pH of body 
  10. Albumin controls
    • osmotic pressure shift 
    • shifting always in equal amounts 
  11. Ions 
    • charged particles (electrolytes) 
    • Cation=Na, K,Ca,Mg
    • Ation=Cl, HCO3, SO4

  12. Biocarbonate 
    pH buffer in body 
  13. Fluid distribution
    movement of fluid amoung compartments ICF, ECF, interestitial, and vascular
  14. Fluid output 
    • Influenced by Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) 
    •       produced by pituitary gland 
    • Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) 
    •       produced by kidney & adrenal gland 
    • Atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP's)
    •       stimulates heart 
  15. Hypothalamus 
    triggers thirst sensation 
  16. Pituitary regulation
    • releases ADH (antidiuretic hormone) 
    • in response to serum osmolarity 
  17. Renal regulation
    • Nephron receptors sense decrease pressure and kidney secretes renin---tells body to hold on to fluid
    • Angiotensin 1 & 11
  18. Angiotensin II
    • causes Na and H2O retension by kindey 
    • stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone which causes kindey to exrete K and Na and H2O
  19. Hypovolemia 
    • low volume high concentration 
    • diaharia, vomiting, shock, hemorage
  20. Hypernatremia
    • to much sodium in plasma
    • effect neuro function
    • water deficit 
  21. Hypnatremia
    • to little sodium in plasma
    • to much water
  22. Osmolality imbalance 
    • hypernatremia 
    • hyponatremia 
  23. Clinical dehydrations
    ECV deficit and hypernatremia combined
Card Set
nur 101
Unit 3