Final Acid and Base Imbalance

  1. All of the statements regarding pyelitis are correct except
    It is described as bacterial infection of the kidney and the renal pelvis
  2. All of the following statements regarding pyslonephritis are correct except
    Treatment includes hemodialysis
  3. All of the following statements regarding kidney stones are correct except
    the most frequent type of renal calculi is a struvite stone
  4. This is a type is inherited disorder and prevents reabsorption of a substance that then crystalizes and precipitates anywhere in the urinary tract
    Cystine stones
  5. This type is more common in men than in women and may be caused by hyperparathyroidism, sarcoidosis or cancer
    Calcium stone
  6. This type is more common in men than women and is assoicated with gout, chemotherapy or high protwien diet
    Uric acid stones
  7. This type is found in women who have urinary tract infection where bacterial enzymes increase ammonia urinary concentrations so urine becomes more alkaline triggering stone percipitation
    Stuvite stones
  8. All of the following are medications used to treat kidney stones except
    Sulfate solutions
  9. All of the following structural abnormalities contribute to hydronephrosis except
    expansion of the uter
  10. Temporay urinary incontinence
    • constipation
    • dehydration
    • alcohol
  11. Persistent urinary incontinence
    • Hysterectomy
    • pregnancy
    • prostatitis
  12. All of the following are treatment categories for urinary incontinence except
  13. All of the following are interventional therapies for urinary incontinence except
    Botulinum toxin type A
  14. Loss of acid from vomiting, overactive adrenal gland, or diuretics
    Metabolic alkalosis
  15. Anxiety, asprin, overdose, or pain
    Respiratory alkalosis
  16. Diabetic acidosis, lactic acidosis, or loss of HCo3
    Metabolic alkalosis
  17. Lung diseases sleep disorder breathing, neuromuscular disease impairing breathing
    Respiratory acidosis
  18. Pain medications, slowing breathing rate, or breathing into and out of a paper bag to raise blood CO2 Levels
    Respiratory acidosis
  19. Replace water and electolyte (NA+ and K+) while treating the underlying cause
    Metabolic alkalosis
  20. B2-Adrenergic recptor agonist/glucocorticosteroid, supplemental oxygen, and/or mechanical ventilation
    Respiratory acidosis
  21. Insulin for diabetes or removal or toxic substance from blood
    Metabolic acidosis
Card Set
Final Acid and Base Imbalance
Final Acid and Base Imbalance