dsm technical terms for 518

  1. Impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor function.
  2. Failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function.
  3. Impaired ability to learn new information or recall previously learned information.
    memory impairment
  4. An impoverishment in thinking that is inferred from observing speech and language behavior. There may be brief and concrete replies to questions and restriction in the amount of spontaneous speech (poverty of speech). Sometimes the speech is adequate in amount but conveys little information because it is overconcrete, overabstract, repetitive, or stereotyped (poverty of content).
  5. An impairment in the understanding or transmission of ideas by language in any of its forms—reading, writing, or speaking—that is due to injury or disease of the brain centers involved in language.
  6. An inability to produce speech sounds that require the use of the larynx that is not due to a lesion in the central nervous system.
  7. Partial or complete loss of coordination of voluntary muscular movement.
  8. Waxy flexibility—rigid maintenance of a body position over an extended period of time.
  9. Episodes of sudden bilateral loss of muscle tone resulting in the individual collapsing, often in association with intense emotions such as laughter, anger, fear, or surprise.
  10. Marked motor abnormalities including motoric immobility (i.e., catalepsy or stupor), certain types of excessive motor activity (apparently purposeless agitation not influenced by external stimuli), extreme negativism (apparent motiveless resistance to instructions or attempts to be moved) or mutism, posturing or stereotyped movements, and echolalia or echopraxia.
    catatonic behavior
  11. An alteration in the perception or experience of the self so that one feels detached from, and as if one is an outside observer of, one's mental processes or body (e.g., feeling like one is in a dream).
  12. ("loosening of associations") A pattern of speech in which a person's ideas slip off one track onto another that is completely unrelated or only obliquely related. This disturbance occurs between clauses.
  13. An alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems strange or unreal (e.g., people may seem unfamiliar or mechanical).
  14. A disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception of the environment. The disturbance may be sudden or gradual, transient or chronic.
  15. Imperfect articulation of speech due to disturbances of muscular control.
  16. Distortion of voluntary movements with involuntary muscular activity.
  17. Primary disorders of sleep or wakefulness characterized by insomnia or hypersomnia as the major presenting symptom. ___________ are disorders of the amount, quality, or timing of sleep.
  18. Disordered tonicity of muscles.
  19. A nearly continuous flow of accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic that are usually based on understandable associations, distracting stimuli, or plays on words. When severe, speech may be disorganized and incoherent.
    flight of ideas
  20. False perceptions that occur while falling asleep.
  21. False perceptions that occur when awakening.
  22. Painful sensitivity to sounds.
  23. Excessive sleepiness, as evidenced by prolonged nocturnal sleep, difficulty maintaining an alert awake state during the day, or undesired daytime sleep episodes.
  24. ("word salad") Speech or thinking that is essentially incomprehensible to others because words or phrases are joined together without a logical or meaningful connection. This disturbance occurs within clauses.
  25. Lack of restraint in expressing one's feelings, frequently with an overvaluation of one's significance or importance.
    expansive mood
  26. Involuntary rhythmic movements of the eyes that consist of small-amplitude rapid tremors in one direction and a larger, slower, recurrent sweep in the opposite direction. __________ may be horizontal, vertical, or rotary.
  27. An unreasonable and sustained belief that is maintained with less than delusional intensity (i.e., the person is able to acknowledge the possibility that the belief may not be true). The belief is not one that is ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.
    overvalued idea
  28. Abnormal behavior or physiological events occurring during sleep or sleep-wake transitions.
  29. An early or premonitory sign or symptom of a disorder.
  30. Visible generalized slowing of movements and speech.
    psychomotor retardation
  31. The phase of an illness that occurs after remission of the florid symptoms or the full syndrome.
    residual phase
  32. An objective manifestation of a pathological condition. Signs are observed by the examiner rather than reported by the affected individual.
  33. Repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand shaking or waving, body rocking, head banging, mouthing of objects, self-biting, picking at skin or body orifices, hitting one's own body).
    stereotyped movements
  34. A state of unresponsiveness with immobility and mutism.
  35. A condition in which a sensory experience associated with one modality occurs when another modality is stimulated, for example, a sound produces the sensation of a particular color.
  36. An involuntary, sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movement or vocalization.
  37. Severe gender dysphoria, coupled with a persistent desire for the physical characteristics and social roles that connote the opposite biological sex.
  38. A condition in which an individual shows intermingling, in various degrees, of the characteristics of each sex, including physical form, reproductive organs, and sexual behavior.
    intersex condition
  39. A persistent aversion toward some or all of those physical characteristics or social roles that connote one's own biological sex.
    gender dysphoria
  40. A person's inner conviction of being male or female.
    gender identity
  41. Attitudes, patterns of behavior, and personality attributes defined by the culture in which the person lives as stereotypically "masculine" or "feminine" social roles.
    gender role
Card Set
dsm technical terms for 518
dsm technical terms