Biomed final review 4c

  1. What is an Anabolism
    • -the buildup of of smaller molecules into larger ones 
    • (Example: base ball players use anabolic steroids which build up the complex protiens needed to make their muscle cells larger.)
    • Energy is stored in bonds; this is endergonicconsume ATP and release waste energy as heat
  2. What are the two components involved on the process of Metabolism
  3. What is Catabolism
    • The breakdown of large molecules into smaller ones
    • Energy is released from bonds; this is exergonic(energy is extracted from bonds)
    • Catabolic reactions create ATP and relase waste eneryas heat
  4. What is ATP's central roll in Metabolism?
    • Food from the diet are broken down into aminio acids, sugares and fatty acids
    • The bonds in those molecules are broken to create energy, which is stored as ATP
    • ATP is then ued to make cellular stuctures which are made of amino acids, sugars, and fatty acids
  5. What is the procces of releasing energy from chemical bonds?
  6. How is energy released from ATP?
    • When we need energy we break one phosphate off the end of ATP creating ADP(Adenosine diphosphate)
    • This realeses a small packet of energy that the cell uses to fuel metabolic processes.
    • Food energy can turn ADP back into ATP
  7. Which organ systems interact to maintain enery Homeostasis?
    • Digestive system - absorbs nutrients from food
    • Respiratory system -brings O2 in , blows CO2 out
    • Circulatory system -brings nutients and O2 to cells, carries waste & CO2 away.
    • Excretory system rids body of waste -urea from proteins in urine, and other wastes
  8. What i the starting material for cellular energy production?
  9. What is the ultimate product of Catabolism?
    ATP- the energy currency of the cell
  10. What two acids are major players in metabolism?
    • Pyruvic Acid
    • Lactic Acid
  11. What represents a metabolic dead end?
    Lactac Acid
  12. A bucket or shovel for two carbon molecules
    Coenzyme A(CoA)Two carbon carrier
  13. what is Co Enzyme A?
    • A sulfer containing molecule that acts as a carbon carrierthe
    • two carbon units are acetate groups
    • The fact that only two carbon units can fit into the Kreb Cycle
    • "furnace" is an important feature to keep in mind
  14. What are Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH)and Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)?
    • Protein Carriers 
    • These two cofactors are not consumed in metabolic reactions
    • They serve as hydrogen buckets carring hydrogen atoms to where they are needed
  15. Cellular Respiration that is anaerobic mening it is without ____and creates _____ ATP per glucose molecule is called______.
    oxygen, two, Glycolysis(sugar breaking)
  16. Where does glycolysis take place?
    • In the cytoplasm
    • Does not need nitochondria
    • One glucose molecule is converted into two molecules ov pyruvic acid
    • Four ATP are made but 2 are consumed fro a net gain of 2 ATP per glucose
  17. When can aerobic respiration take place?
    when oxygen is plentiful
  18. Aerobic respiration produces
    32-34 net ATP molecules per glucose molecule (the number depends on the efficencey of the process).
  19. True or False: if oxygen is present, pyruvate is fed into the aerobic respritory pathway.
  20. what happens when oxygen is absent from cellular respiration?
    • Pyruvate is converted to lactic acid, a metabolic end
    • When lactic acid builds up as a result of anaerobic metabolism the cell becomes more acidic.
    • the cells metabolism is rendered less efficient( a contition called Lactic acidosis)
  21. true or false : Lactic acid buildup does not interfere with muscle strength during exercise.
  22. The steps of Aerobic Respiration
    • Before entering The Krebs cycle, pyruvic acid  loses on carbon in the form of CO2. The resulting two carbon molecule is attached to tha carrier, making acetyle CoA
    • As the two carbon molecule enters the Krebs cycle, the CoA carrier is lost and a six carbon molecule is formed .
    • Curing the Krebs cycle the two carbons are lost as CO2 and the equivalent of one ATP is formed from ADP and phosphate. Also hydrogens are transfered to three molecules of NAD+ and on Molecule of FAD, making three NADHs and one FADH2
  23. The Krebs cycle is also called ________ and _________.
    the citric acid cycle and the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
  24. How does the Krebs Cycle operate?
    • it operates inga circular fashon, adding and subtracting carbons and giving off electrons as a side product.
    • These electrons are carried by cofactors called FADH2 and NADH so they may be used in the electron transsport chain
  25. How does Mitochondrial Electron Transport work?
    • NADH and FADH2 bring hydrogen atoms to the electron transport chain
    • The H+ ions (protons)are stripped away and dumped between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes 
    • The electrons are strippe3de and used to play keep-away
    • Finally, protons are allowed to run down their concentration gradient to drive a "turbine" that generates ATP
  26. The Mitochondrial electron transport is what type of system?
  27. Give an overview of Mitochondrial Respiration
    • Glucose is fed into the system 
    • Glycolysis ( doesn't use oxygen) gives 2 net ATP
    • Next step needs oxygen: one glucose molecule makes 2 acetate groups (carried by CoA) and 2 CO2
    • Acetyl-CoA feeds Krebs cycle- makes CO2 and cofactorsCofactors feed electron transport chain- Wheel driven by H+"stream" water and ATP produced
  28. When the mitochondrion separates protons(H+) from electrons (e-), it creates __________ energy in the sme way that a dam represents _______ energy of water higher than its natural level.
    Potential energy
  29. We can release the potential energy in mitochondria which creates __________ energy by allowing _______ to run "downhill"(down their concentration gradient) and placing a "turbine"(the ATP synthase) in the stream of protons.
    Kinetic energy, protons
  30. Where do the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain take place.
    In the Mitochondria
  31. Excess glucose that is not needed for cellular metabolism is converted to _________ and stored in the ____and ____.
    Glycogen, liver, muscle
  32. When energy is needed glycogen is broken down to its ___________________ which are then available to provide energy.
    Glucose-6-phospate monomers
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Biomed final review 4c
Biomed final review 4c