Pathology 1

  1. Acute vs subacute vs Chronic
    • Acute: Sudden rapid onset
    • Chronic: of longer duration, slow progression, shows little signs of change.
    • Sub Acute: If the wound has adequately resolved (usually by day 6, but maybe earlier or later) The proliferative stage
  2. Signs vs symptoms
    • Signs: are the objective facts; what the therapist can observe
    • Symptoms: are the subjective facts; what the patient feels
  3. Hypoxia
    Low Oxygen resulting from: obstruction of respiratory tract, inadequate transport of oxygen across the lung tissue, inadequate transport of oxygen in the blood.
  4. Atrophy, Dysplasia, Metaplasia
    • Atrophy: shrinkage in size of cell by loss of substance dur to a lack of :nourishment, stimulation, disuse
    • Dysplasia: abnormal proliferation showing abnormal features
    • Metaplasia: conversion from one adult cell type to another
  5. Stresses on cell
    Temperature, mechanical force, electricity
  6. Heat vs Cold
    • Reactions:
    • Heat: Expands and dilates blood and lymph vessels, increases blood flow and nutrition, increase metabolic rate, softens connective tissues and increases extensibility, reduces joint stiffness, provides analgesia, reduces spasm.
    • Cold: Contracts blood vessels, reduces metabolic activity, reduces effects of ischemic injury, reduces/prevents swelling, provides analgesia, stiffens connective tissues.
  7. Indications vs contraindications
    • indications:
    • contraindications: statements about what kinds of treatment are not appropriate for the condition
  8. RICED
    Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Drugs
  9. Primary vs Secondary intention (Skin Injury)
    • Primary: little tissue loss, the edges of the would are closer together, little or no scar
    • Secondary: greater tissue loss, the edges of the wound are farther apart, larger amounts of scar tissue.
  10. repidtitive use syndrome (Quiz 4)
    Tendonitis and tenosynovitis, plantar fascitis and achilles tendonits, Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow, De Quervain's tenosynvitis and ITB Syndrome
  11. Lateral and medial epicondylitis
    • Lateral: Tennis Elbow
    • Medial: Golfer's Elbow
  12. Repetitive use of the SITS muscles can cause:
    Shoulder Tendonitis
  13. Quads (R.U.S.)
    Upper Patellar Tendonitis
  14. Dequiver's syndrome
    Tightness of the palmar fascia and flexor digitorum superficialis
  15. Plantarfascialitis
    Running on hard surfaces can cause
  16. I.T.B. Syndrome
    Tightness of the Hip Abdutors can cause
  17. patelaFemoral Syndrome
    Tibia Vara can cause
  18. Bell's Palsy
  19. Trigen
  20. Headaches (Tension...)
  21. Fractures
    Simple or closed
    Has not broken through the skin
  22. Fracture Compond or open
    has broken through the skin
  23. Colle's Fracture (Wrist fracture)
    A freacture of the dital radius with/without ulnar styloid fracture, Usually caused by a "foosh" ("falling on out stretched hands") injury, The most common fracture in Adults over 50 years old
  24. Osteoperosis (Quiz 5)
    Is the progressive decrease in spongy bone density causing skeletal weakness, predisposes one to spontaneous fractures, chronic pain and deformities, includes a primary  type that affects post-menopausal women
  25. Paget's disease
    A chronic disorder of skeleton whereby bone becomes softened and enlarged
  26. Osteomyolitis
    A bacterial infection of the bone and bone marrow
  27. OsteoControlisis
    Any dysfunction of the epiphyseal growth plate of maturing bone
  28. Legg-Calve-Perthes
    Idiopathic necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis (in the femoral head)
  29. Schearmanns
    kyphosis angularis due anterior vertebral compressions
  30. Parkinson's
    Usually is due to decreased brain dopamine due to substantia nigra damage, an adult onset disorder exhibiting rigidity, bradykinesia and resting tremors, is usually treated with L-Dopa/Levadopa/Carbidopa
  31. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease)
    A progressive degeneration of corticospinal tracts (upper motor neurons), A progressive degeneration of anterior horn cells (lower motor neuron), A progressive degeneration of Bulbar
  32. Cerebral Palsy
    A broad group of childhood onset motor or movement disorders, caused by perinatal (at birth) or postnatal (birth to 5 years of age) CNS damage, mostly caused in the country by perinatal hypoxia (lack of oxygen at birth) exhibited by spastic or athetoid or ataxic movement palsy
  33. Polio
    occurs primarily in children, is caused by the polio virus infection attacking spinal (& other) motor neurons, often causes permanent flaccid paralysis
  34. Arthritis
    inflammation of a joint, some kinds of arthritis are non-inflammatory, some diseases, not classified as rheumatic, have arthritis as major complaint,
  35. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    an arthritis in which synovial membranes are attacked by the immune system.
  36. Osteo Arthritis
    a condition in which synovial joints, especially weight bearing joints, are irritated.  Directly related to wear and tear on joint structures.
  37. Anklylosing spondilitis
    systemic rheumatic disorder characterized by inflammation of axial skeleton and proximal joints.  Has a special affinity for the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine.
  38. Gouty Arthritis
    an arthristis that is caused by monosodium urate crystals in the joints
  39. Torticolis
    Twisted neck, this is malposition fo the head due to unilateral shortening of the SCM and other cervical muscles (upper traps, scalenes, lev scap, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis) Congential and acquired forms are seen
  40. Functional vs transitional vs structural
  41. APT vs PPT
    • APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt)the ASIS lies in front  of the pubic crest.  The ASIS is significantly lower than the PSIS. Normally if the pelvis is tilted anteriorly, the spinal curves are increased.
    • PPT (Posterior Pelvic Tilt) the ASIS lies behind the pubic crest.  The PSIS is lower than the ASIS. Normally if the pelvis is tiled posteriorly, the spinal curves are decreased
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Pathology 1